Happiness in your hands : the Dhammapada way
Kodo Matsunami
(Buddhist way of life series)
Buddhist Searchlight Center, 2004
1st English ed
しあわせをつかむ65のヒント : 釈迦の名言に学ぶ
Shiawase wo tsukamu 65 no hinto : Shaka no meigen ni manabu
How to achieve happiness through 65 Buddhist sayings
: hard-cover ed0020800330
: hard-cover ed183.1/MAT10131147
: hard-cover ed183.19/Dha/M0206831
: hard-cover ed183.19||M 445Y0036082
: hard-cover edF183.18/Ma 8300258188W
"This book was originally published by Jodo Shu Buddhist Denomination in Japanese under the title Shiawase wo tsukamu 65 no hinto-- Shaka no meigen ni manabu and in English How to achieve happiness through 65 Buddhist sayings"--T.p. verso
Buddhist Searchlight Center
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