This book is a collection of lectures given in July 2007 at the Les Houches Summer School on "String Theory and the Real World: From particle physics to astrophysics."
1. I. Antoniadis, Topics in String Phenomenology
2. E. Kiritsis, Orientifolds, and the Search for the Standard Model in String Theory
3. K. Intriligator and N. Seiberg, Lectures on Supersymmetry Breaking
4. G.F. Giudice, Supersymmetry And The Real World
5. J. Maldacena, Les Houches Lectures on Cosmology and Fundamental Theory
6. E. Rabinovici, Spontaneous Breaking of Space-Time Symmetries
7. A. Uranga, The Standard Model from D-Branes in String Theory
8. P. Vanhove, Non-Renormalisation Theorems in Superstring and Supergravity Theories
9. F. Gianotti, Preparing the Lhc Experiments for First Data
10. T. Damour and M. Lilley, String Theory, Gravity and Experiment
11. J.F. Barbon and E. Rabinovici, Aspects of Hagedorn Holography
12. F. Denef, Les Houches Lectures on Constructing String Vacua
13. M. Benna and I. Klebanov, Gauge-String Dualities and Some Applications
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