The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the kings of England, in two periods : to wit, from the Norman Conquest, to the end of the reign of K. John ; and from the end of the reign of K. John, to the end of the reign of K. Edward II: taken from records. Together with a correct copy of the ancient dialogue concerning the Exchequer, generally ascribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis, and a dissertation concerning the most ancient Great Roll of the Exchequer, commonly styled the Roll of Quinto Regis Stephani
Printed by John Matthews ; and sold by Robert Knaplock, 1711
Antiquus dialogus de Scaccario, Gervasio de Tilbury vulgo adscriptus, e duobus vetustis codd. mss. nigro & rubro, in Scaccario regio asservatis, nunc primum editus
Disceptatio epistolaris de Magno rotulo Scaccarij
Dedication signed: Thomas Madox
"Ancient dialogue" (in Latin) has separate title page: Antiquus dialogus de Scaccario, Gervasio de Tilbury vulgo adscriptus, e duobus vetustis codd. mss. nigro & rubro, in Scaccario regio asservatis, nunc primum editus ... Londoniae excudebat Johannes Matthews, 1711
"Dissertation" (in Latin) has separate title page: Disceptatio epistolaris de Magno rotulo Scaccarij ... Londoniae. Typis Johannis Matthews, 1711
Madox attributes authorship of "De Scaccario" to Richard Fitzneale. --p.iii-xii of Antiquus dialogus
Includes bibliographical references