This volume contains writings focusing on semantic phenomena and their interpretation in the analysis of the language of a learner. The variety of phenomena that are addressed is substantial: temporal aspect and tense, specificity, quantification, scope, finiteness, focus structure, and focus particles. These phenomena are investigated is many languages. The volume creates a theoretical as well as an empirical bridge between semantic research on the one hand and psycholinguistic acquisition studies on the other.
Acquisition and Interpretation: A Brief Introduction / VEERLE VAN GEENHOVEN Part I: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYNTAX-SEMANTICS INTERFACE Mismatches of Form and Interpretation / GREG CARLSON Watching Noun Phrases Emerge: Seeking Compositionality / TOM ROEPER Cross-Linguistic Acquisition of Complement Tense / AYUMI MATSUO PART II: ACQUIRING UNIVERSAL QUANTIFICATION Everybody Knows / LUISA MERONI, ANDREA GUALMINI AND STEPHEN CRAIN The Effect of Context on Children's Interpretations of Universally Quantified Sentences / KENNETH F. DROZD AND ERIK VAN LOOSBROEK Structure and Meaning in the Acquisition of Scope / JULIEN MUSOLINO PART III: TIME IN THE LANGUAGE OF A LEARNER Time for Children: An Integrated Stage Model of Aspect and Tense / VEERLE VAN GEENHOVEN State Change and Temporal Reference in Inuktitut Child Language / MARY SWIFT Temporal Adverbials and Early Tense and Aspect Markers in the Acquisition of Dutch / MARIANNE STARREN PART IV: FINITENESS AND ITS DEVELOPMENT On Finiteness / WOLFGANG KLEIN Functions of Finiteness in Child Language / PETRA GRETSCH PART V: FOCUS PARTICLES IN CHILD LANGUAGE Additive Particles and Scope Marking in Child German / ULRIKE NEDERSTIGT (Un)Stressed Ook in Child Dutch / WENDA BERGSMA Subject Index
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