Report from the 5th IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, Pretoria, South Africa, 2007 = Rapport de la 5ème Réunion d'experts de l'IFLA sur un code international de catalogage, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud, 2007 = Relatório do 5. Encontro de Peritos da IFLA sobre um Código Internacional de Catalogação, Pretória, África do Sul, 2007
edited by Barbara B. Tillett ... [et al.] = éditée par Barbara B. Tillett ... [et al.] = editado por Barbara B. Tillett ... [et al.]
(IFLA series on bibliographic control, v. 35 . IFLA Cataloguing Principles : steps towards an International Cataloguing Code = IFLA Principes de Catalogage : Pas vers un code international de catalogage = IFLA -- Princípios de Catalogação : Passos para um Código Internasional de Catalogação ; 5)
K.G. Saur, 2008
014.32-Ti4-510008010060 "The IFLA Cataloguing Section sponsored this fifth and final IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code (IME ICC5) that was held August 14-15, 2007 at the CSIR Conference Centre in Pretoria, South Africa. ... The meeting and related activities were generously co-sponsored and hosted by the National Library of South Africa with assistance from the Library of Congress and OCLC."--Acknoledgements Text in English, French, and Portuguese Includes bibliographical references 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
K.G. Saur
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