A collection of essays by leading philosophers on the work of John Cottingham, focussing on his work in moral philosophy, discussing themes from his contributions to the debate on partiality and impartiality, the role of the emotions in the good life and the meaning of the worthwhile life. Including a 'replies' chapter by John Cottingham.
- Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction
- N.Athanassoulis & S.Vice PART 1: PARTIALITY, SPIRITUALITY AND CHARACTER The Significance of the Self: Partiality and Spirituality
- S.Vice Contempt and Integrity
- M.de Gaynesford Self-Love, Love of Neighbour, and Impartiality
- D.S.Oderberg PART 2: THE EMOTIONS AND THE GOOD LIFE Akrasia and the Emotions
- N.Athanassoulis The Inner Life of the 'Dear Self'
- S.Morgan What Reason Can't Do
- M.Lacewing PART 3: THE MEANING OF LIFE Meaning, Morality, and Religion
- R.Crisp The Meaning of Life: Subjectivism, Objectivism, and Divine Support
- B.Hooker God, Morality and the Meaning of Life
- T.Metz The Self, the Good Life and the Transcendent
- J.Cottingham Index
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