All living cells are surrounded by a lipidic membrane that isolates them from the often harsh environment. However, to take up nutrients, to excrete waste, and to communicate among each other, Nature has invented an incredibly diverse set of transmembrane transport proteins. Specialized transporters exist to shuttle electrically charged ions, positive cations like sodium or negative anions like chloride, across the membrane. In the recent years, tremendous progress has been made in the field of chloride transport. The present book presents the state of the art of this rapidly expanding and interest-gaining field of membrane transport. It is addressed at a broad medically, physiologically, biologically, and biophysically interested readership.
Chapter 1: Chloride-Transporting Proteins in Mammalian Organisms: An Overview
Chapter 2: Physiological Functions of the CLC Chloride Transport Proteins
Chapter 3: Structure and Function of CLC Chloride Channels and Transporters
Chapter 4: Pharmacology of CLC Chloride Channels and Transporters
Chapter 5: The Physiology and Pharmacology of the CFTR Cl- Channel
Chapter 6: Gating of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Chloride Channel
Chapter 7: Functional Properties of Ca2+-Dependent Cl- Channels and Bestrophins: Do They Correlate?
Chapter 8: Cell Volume Homeostasis: The Role of Volume-Sensitive Chloride Channels
Chapter 9: GABAergic Synaptic Transmission
Chapter 10: Physiology of Cation-Chloride Cotransporters
Chapter 11: Plasma Membrane Cl-/HCO3- Exchange Proteins
Chapter 12: Orchestration of Vectorial Chloride Transport by Epithelia
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