This treatment of "Time-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Solids" begins with a phenomenological description of the transport of some unspecified entity. It is assumed that the transport is caused by mechanical stresses or temperature fields. This hypothesis is based upon just a few well-established methods such as, for instance, the Zener theory of diffusion and the Inglis equation for stress enhancementof. Using these assumptions, it is possible to deduce formulae for a theoretically based description of several phenomena without referring to any specific process or entity.
Table of Contents
Migration Processes Induced in Solids
Stress Relaxation in Glasses
Density Relaxations in Glasses
The Background of Internal Friction
Creep of Steel and the Static Fatigue of Glass
The Activation Energy of the Static Fatigue and Creep
Fatigue Due to an Oscillating Load of Steel and Aluminum
Statistical Checks of Stromeyer's Fatigue Formula
Models for Defect Growth
Generalized Laws of Strength Degradation
A Compressive Stress Resulting from Tamm's Electronic Surface States
The Activation Energy of Creep and the Surface Energy of Solids
Open Questions
Nonlinear Regression
Solutions for the Damped Oscillations 1
Solutions for the Damped Oscillations 2
Harmonics by Stress Relaxation
The Approximate Linearity of Equation (7.9)
A Tube-like Specimen for Fatigue Tests
Subject Index
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