In this unique and dramatic account of the rise of neoliberalism Howard and King consider the major features of historical materialism, the factors which resulted in 19th and 20th century thinkers incorrectly predicting the long-term decline of the market, and the prospects for a reversal of neoliberalism in the 21st century.
Introduction PART 1: HISTORICAL MATERIALISM: A THEORY OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS A General Theory of Economic Systems A Theory of Capitalist Economic Systems PART 2: THEORISTS OF MODERN CAPITALISM ON THE DECLINE OF THE MARKET Marx and the Marxists on the Decline of the Market Neoclassicals, Keynesians and Heterodox Economists on the Decline of the Market PART 3: NEOLIBERALISM AND MODERN CAPITALISM Market Elimination in Modern Capitlism: Where the Theorists were Right The Return of the Market: Where They All Went Wrong PART 4: THE RISE AND DECLINE OF NEOLIBERALISM IN ADVANCED CAPITALISM Why Was Neoliberalism Delayed? What Might Reverse Neoliberalism?
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