This collection of primary, secondary, and visual sources for the Western Civilization survey course provides a broad introduction to the materials historians use, the interpretations historians make, and thousands of years of Western civilization. Its broad selection of documents, photographs, maps, and charts, and its full array of accompanying commentaries--drawn from a balanced spectrum of perspectives and approaches--offer valuable insight into the work of historians and provide the context that helps students understand the texts' full historical significance.
PART I CIVILIZATIONS OF THE ANCIENT WORLDChapter One Civilizations of the Ancient Near EastPrimary Sources
Using Primary Sources: Laws of HammurabiThe Laws of Hammurabi
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Hymn to the Nile
Hymn to the Pharaoh
The Old Testament-Genesis and Exodus
The Aton Hymn and Psalm 104: The Egyptians and the HebrewsVisual Sources
Using Visual Sources: The "Royal Standard" of UrSumer: The "Royal Standard" of Ur (illustration)
Egyptian Wall Paintings from the Tomb of Menna (illustration)
The Environment and the Rise of Civilization in the Ancient Near East (maps)Secondary Sources
Using Secondary Sources: The Agricultural RevolutionRobert J. Braidwood, The Agricultural Revolution
William H. McNeill, The Process of Civilization
Herbert J. Muller, Freedom in the Ancient World: Civilization inSumer
Henri Frankfort and H.A. Frankfort, The Intellectual Adventure of AncientMan
Lionel Casson, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt: The Afterlife
Barbara S. Lesko, Women of Egypt and the Ancient Near East
Paul Johnson, A History of the JewsChapter Two: The Emergence of Greek CivilizationPrimary SourcesHomer, The Iliad
Hesiod, Works and Days
A Colonization Agreement
Semonides of Amorgos, Poem on Women
Theognis of Megara, Aristocrats and Tyrants
Solon, Early Athens
Xenophon, Constitution of the LacedaemoniansVisual SourcesTrade, Culture, and Colonization (photo)
Migration and Colonization (maps)Secondary SourcesFrank J. Frost, The End of the Mycenaean WorldFinley Hooper, Greek Realities: The Homeric Epics
Sarah B. Pomeroy, et al., Social Values and Ethics in the "DarkAge" of Greece
C.M. Bowra, The Greek Experience: The Heroic OutlookChapter Three: Classical and Hellenistic GreecePrimary SourcesThucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War: The Historical Method
Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War: Athens During the GoldenAge
Sophocles, Antigone
Plato, The Republic
Aristotle, Politics
Xenophon, Household Management
Hippocrates, Medicine and Magic
Epicurus, Individual HappinessVisual SourcesEducation (photo)
The Women's Quarters (illustration)
The Dying Niobide: The Classical Balance (photo)
The Old Market Woman: Hellenistic Individualism (photo)
Geography and Political Configurations in Greece (map)Seondary SourcesSarah B. Pomeroy, Goddess, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women and Work inAthens
Anthony Andrews, The Greeks: Slavery
M.I. Finley, The Ancient Greeks: Decline of the Polls
Richard Stoneman, Alexander the Great
Finley Hooper, Greek RealitiesChapter Four: The Rise of RomePrimary SourcesPolybius, Histories: The Roman Constitution
Cicero, The Education of a Roman Gentleman
Quintus Lucretius Vespillo, Eulogoy for a Roman Wife
Plautus, Menaechmi: Roman Slavery
Sallust, The Conspiracy of Catiline: Decline of the RepublicVisual SourcesEvidence from Coins (photo)
The Geographic and Cultural Environment (map)Secondary SourcesFustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City: Religious Practices
J.P.V.D. Balsdon, Life and Leisure: The Roman Aristrocrat
Gillian Clark, Roman WomenChapter Five: The Roman Empire and the Rise of ChristianityPrimary SourcesPliny the Younger, Letters: The Daily Life of a Roman Governor
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations: Ideals of an Emperor and Stoic Philosopher
Pliny the Younger and Trajan, Rome and the Early Christians
The Gospel According to St. Matthew
St. Paul, Epistle to the Romans
St. Augustine, The City of God
Ammianus Marcellinus, The Germanic Tribes
St. Jerome, The Fall of RomeVisual SourcesCarved Gemstone: Augustus and the Empire Transformed (photo)
Tomb Decoration: Death and Roman Culture(photo)Secondary SourcesChester G. Starr, The Roman Empire: The Place of Augustus
E.R. Dodds, Pagan and Christian: The Appeal of Christianity
Jo Ann McNamara, Women of the Roman Empire
A.H.M. Jones, The Later Roman EmpirePART II THE MIDDLE AGESChapter Six: The Early Middle AgesPrimary SourcesGregory of Tours, History of the Franks
The Origins of Feudalism
Charlemagne, Instructions to the Subjects of Charlemagne's Empire
Einhard, War and Conversion Under Charlemagne
The Annals of Xanten, Disorder and Destruction
The Wanderer: Life of a Medieval WarriorVisual SourcesIllustration from a Gospel Book: Christianity and Early Medieval Culture (illustration)
Painting from an Illuminated Bible: Secular and Religious Authority(illustration)
Contraction in the Early Middle Ages (maps)Secondary SourcesHenri Pirenne, Mohammed and Charlemagne: The Beginnings ofMedieval Civilization
David Nichols, The Carolingian West: The Genesis of Feudal Relationships
Daniel D. McGarry, An Evaluation of Feudalism
Jo Ann McNamara and Suzanne F. Wemple, Sanctity and Power: TheDual Pursuit of Medieval WomenChapter Seven: The Medieval EastPrimary SourcesThe Qur'an
Hasan al-Basri, Letter to Umar II: Islamic Asceticism
Avicenna, Autobiography of a Muslim Scholar
The Institutes of Justinian: Byzantium and the Legacy of Roman Law
Ibn Fadlan, The Rus: Cross-Cultural ContactVisual SourcesManuscript Illuminations: Scenes from the Life of Muhammad (illustrations)
Empress Theodors with her Retinue (illustration)The Byzantine Empire and the Expansion of Islam (maps)Secondary SourcesCyril Mango, Byzantium: The Empire of New Rome
Bernard Lewis, The Arabs in History
Ira Lapidus, The Expansion of IslamAlbert Hourani, The Islamic World
Peter Brown, The Eastern Orientation of IslamChapter Eight: The High Middle Ages: The Eleventh and Twelfth CenturiesPrimary SourcesPope Gregory VII, Letters: Secular and Ecclesiastical Authority
Reginald of Durham, The Life of Saint Gidric: A Merchant Adventurer
Andreas Capellanus, The Art of Courtly Love
Gratian, The Decretum: Medieval Women-Not in God's ImageVisual SourcesThe Gospel Book of Otto III: Church and State (illustration)
The Bayeux Tapestry (illustration)Medieval Expansion (maps)Secondary SourcesJaques Le Goff, Medieval Values
Margaret Wade Labarge, The Mold for Medieval Women: Social Status
Aron Ja. Gurevich, The Merchant
R.W. Southern, The Making of the Middle Ages: Serfdom
Marc Bloch, Feudal Society: The Psychic World of Medieval PeopleChapter Nine: The High Middle Ages: The Crusades and the EastPrimary SourcesPope Urban II, The Opening of the Crusades
Ekkehard of Aurach, Crusaders' Motives
Pope Eugenius III, Inducements for the Crusades
Princess Anna Comnena, The Alexiad: A Byzantine View of the Crusades
Usamah Ibn-Munqidh, Memoirs: European and Muslim InteractionsVisual SourcesConflict and Cultural Exchange (illustration)Secondary SourcesChristopher Tyerman, The Meaning of the Crusades
Thomas F. Madden, The Significance of
Robert Browning, The Byzantine Empire: Defeat, Decline, and ResilienceChapter Ten: The High Middle Ages: The Thirteenth CenturyPrimary SourcesPope Innocent III, Papal Proclamation of Supremacy
Archbishop Eudes of Rouen, A Church Register: Clerical Administration
St. Francis of Assisi, The Rule of St. Francis
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica
Frederick II, Political Authority: The Emperor, the Princes, and theTowns
Decrees of the Hanseatic League
Ordinances of the Guild Merchants of Southampton
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, ChambermaidsVisual SourcesMedieval Life (illustration)
Secularization and the Medieval Knight (illustration)Secondary SourcesMaurice Keen, The Outlaws of Medieval Legend: Social Rank and Injustice
Jaques Rossiaud, Life in Cities: Violence and Fear
Georges Duby, Solitude
David Herlihy, Ecological Conditions and Demographic ChangeChapter Eleven: The Late Middle AgesPrimary SourcesAttack on the Papacy: The Conciliar Movement
Bernard Gui, Manual of the Inquisitor
Sir John Froissart, The Rebellions of 1381
Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron: The Plague in Florence
King Edward III, Statue of Laborers
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
The Goodman of Paris: Instructions on Being a Good WifeVisual SourcesThe Church Besieged (illustration)
The Triumph of Death (illustration)
Unrest in the Late Middle Ages (map)
Food and Crime (chart)Secondary SourcesFrancis Oakley, The Crisis of the Late Middle Ages
Millard Meiss, The Black Death: A Socioeconomic Perspective
William L. Langer, A Psychological Perspective of the Black DeathPART III RENAISSANCE, REFORMATION, AND EXPANSIONChapter Twelve: The RenaissancePrimary SourcesFrancesco Petrarch, A Letter to Boccaccio: Literary Humanism
Peter Paul Vergerio, On the Liberal Arts
Christine de Pizan, The City of Ladies
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
Baldesar Castiglione, The Book of the CourtierVisual SourcesRaphael, The School of Athens: Art and Classical Culture (illustration)
Jan van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride: Symbolism and theNorthern Renaissance (illustration)
Hans Holbein, Wealth, Culture, and Diplomacy (illustration)Secondary SourcesJacob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
Peter Burke, The Myth of the Renaissance
Federico Chabod, Machiavelli and the Renaissance
Charles G. Nauert, Northern Sources of the RenaissanceChapter Thirteen: The ReformationPrimary SourcesJohn Tetzel, The Spark for the Reformation: Indulgences
Martin Luther, Justification by Faith
Martin Luther, On the Bondage of the Will
Martin Luther, Condemnation of Peasant Revolt
John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion: Predestination
Constitution of the Society of Jesus
Teresa of Avila, The Way of PerfectionVisual SourcesLuther and the New Testament (illustration)
Sebald Beham, Luther and the Catholic Clergy Debate (illustration)
Peter Paul Rubens, Loyola and Catholic Reform (illustration)Secondary SourcesEuan Cameron, What was the Reformation?
G.R. Elton, A Political Interpretation of the Reformation
John C. Olin, The Catholic Reformation
Steven E. Ozment, The Legacy of the Reformation
Marilyn J. Boxer and Jean H. Quataert, Women in the ReformationChapter Fourteen: Overseas Expansion and New PoliticsPrimary SourcesGomes Eannes de Azurara, The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest ofGuinea
Christopher Columbus, Letter to Lord Sanchez, 1493
Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Memoirs: The Aztecs
Jacob Fugger, Letter to Charles V: Finance and PoliticsVisual SourcesFrans Fracken II, The Assets and Liabilities of Empire (text andillustration)
The Conquest of Mexico as Seen by the Aztecs (illustration)
Exploration, Expansion, and Politics (maps)Secondary SourcesRichard B. Reed, The Expansion of Europe
M.L.Bush, The Effects of Expansion on the Non-European World
Gary Nash, Red, White, and Black: The Peoples of Early AmericaPART IV THE EARLY MODERN PERIODChapter Fifteen: War and Revolution: 1560-1660Primary SourcesOgier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Civil War in France
Richelieu, Political Will and Testament
James I, The Powers of the Monarch in England
The House of Commons, The Powers of Parliament in England
Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, The Hammer of WitchesVisual SourcesDiego Valasquez, The Surrender of Breda (illustration)Jan Brueghel and Sebastian Vranx, War and Violence (illustration)
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan: Political Order and Political Theory (text andillustration)
Germany and the Thirty Years' War (maps)Secondary SourcesHajo Holborn, A Political Interpretation of the Thirty Years' War
Carl J. Friedrich, A Religious Interpretation of the Thirty Years' War
M.S. Anderson, War and Peace in the Old Regime
Conrad Russell, The Causes of the English Civil War
William Monter, The Devil's Handmaid: Women in the Age of ReformationsChapter Sixteen: Aristocracy and Absolutism in the Seventeenth CenturyPrimary SourcesPhilipp W. von Hornick, Austria Over All If She Only Will: Mercantilism
Frederick William, The Great Elector, A Secret Letter: MonarchicalAuthority in Prussia
Saint-Simon, Memoirs: The Aristocracy Undermined in France
John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government: Legislative PowerVisual SourcesThe Early Modern Chateau (photo)
Pieter de Hooch, Maternal Care (illustration)Secondary SourcesG. Durand, Absolutism: Myth and Reality
George Macaulay Trevelyan, The English Revolution, 1688-1689
Philippe Aries, Centuries of Childhood
Peter Laslett, The World We Have Lost: The Early Modern FamilyChapter Seventeen: The Scientific RevolutionPrimary SourcesRene Descartes, The Discourse on Method
Galileo Galilei, Letter to Christina of Tuscany: Science and Scripture
The Papal Inquisition of 1633: Galileo Condemned
Sir Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophyVisual SourcesA Vision of the New Science (illustration)Secondary SourcesMichael Postan, Why Was Science Backward in the Middle Ages?
Sir George Clark, Early Modern Europe: Motives for the ScientificRevolution
Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser, No Scientific Revolution forWomen
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