The history of Genghizcan the Great, first emperor of the antient Moguls and Tartars : in four books : containing his life, advancement and conquests, with a short history of his successors to the present time, the manners, customs and laws of the antient Moguls and Tartars, and the geography of the vast countries of Mogolistan, Turquestan, Capschac, Yugurestan, and the Eastern and Western Tartary : collected from several Oriental authors and European travellers, whose names, with an abridgment of their lives, are added to this book
by M. Pétis de la Croix ; and now faithfully translated into English
Printed for J. Darby in Bartholomew-Close ..., 1722
The history of Genghizcan the Great, first emperor of the ancient Moguls and Tartars : in four books : containing his life, ...
Translated by P. Aubin.--ESTC
Includes "An abridgment of the history of Genghizcan's successors" and "An abridgment of the lives of the authors ...", which are by F. Pétis de La Croix the younger, who edited the French edition.--ESTC
Signatures: A2-Z4, Aa-Ff4
Includes bibliographical references