Sales (PEL S)
prepared by Ewoud Hondius ... [et al.] ; in collaboration with the Dutch Working Team with advice from the Advisory Council and the Drafting Committee approved by the Co-ordinating Group ; particular advice on the drafting of the articles from Eric Clive
(Principles of European law / Study Group on a European Civil Code, v. 6)
Oxford University Press, 2008
Principles of European law on sales (PEL S)
324.52/Sa 5312053149
324.52|| ||304100707449
東京都立大学 図書館 法科 324.9/H84s10001147398 Bibliography: p. 469-477 Includes index 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より Study Group on a European Civil Code
Sellier. European Law Publishers , Oxford University Press
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