著者名 書名 版表示 出版者名 出版年 シリーズ名 番号 ISBN ISSN URL International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering and Melker, Alexander I. and Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ tekhnicheskiĭ universitet. Physics and Mechanics Faculty and St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences for Strength Problems and Rossiĭskiĭ fond fundamentalʹnykh issledovaniĭ and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers. Russian Chapter and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers Sixth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 10-16 June, 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia SPIE 2003 Proceedings / SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering v. 5127 0819449873 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA8574036X