The genre of biography in the ancient world is interestingly diverse and permeable and deserves intensive study, bearing as it does on ideas of characterization and the individual. This volume considers both the form and the content of biography across the ancient world, and is particularly interested in the frontiers with other related genres, such as history. The papers range from the "Old Testament" to the Arab world, from the "New Testament" to the Lives of Saints, from the classic Greek and Roman biographers to less well known practitioners of the art.
Brian McGing (Trinity College, Dublin and Judith Mossman (University of Nottingham), Introduction
Andrew D. H. Mayes (Trinity College, Dublin), Biography in the Ancient World: the Story of the Rise of David
Elizabeth Irwin (Columbia University), The Biographies of Poets: the Case of Solon
Richard A. Burridge (King's College, London), Reading the Gospels as Biography: Mark Edwards (Christ Church, Oxford), Gospel and Genre: Some Reservations
Sean Freyne (Trinity College, Dublin), Mark's Gospel and Ancient Biography