Çabda-khaṇḍa : from Vidhivāda to Pramāṇa-Catuṣṭaya-Prāmāṇyavāda : with the commentaries of Mathurānātha Tarkavāgīça and Jayadeva Miçra and with the Ākhyātavāda and the Nan̦vāda of Raghunātha Çiromaṇi
(Bibliotheca Indica : a collection of Oriental works, new ser. ; nos. 900,
Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1901
तत्त्वचिन्तामणौ शब्दखण्डं : विधिवादप्रमाणचतुष्टयप्रामाण्यवादान्तं : मथुरानाथ-तर्कवागीशविरचित-रहस्यनामकटीकया जयदेवमिश्रविरचितालोकाख्यटीकया रघुनाथ-शिरोमणिकृतेन आख्यात-वादेन नञ्वादेन च सहितं
Asiatic Society of Bengal : Printed by J. Thomas 1848-