Following on from 2005's Rail Human Factors: Supporting the Integrated Railway, this book brings together an even broader range of academics and practitioners from around the world to share their expertise and experience on rail human factors. The content is both comprehensive and cutting-edge, featuring more than 55 chapters addressing the following topics: c Passengers and public c Driver performance and workload c Driving and cognition c Train cab and interfaces: simulation and design c Routes, signage, signals and drivability c Signalling and control of the railway c Planning for the railway c Engineering work and maintenance c Level crossings c Accidents and safety c Human error and human reliability c SPADs: signals passed at danger c Human factors integration and standards c Impairments to performance c Staff competencies and training. People and Rail Systems: Human Factors at the Heart of the Railway will be invaluable for all those concerned with making railways safer, more reliable, of higher quality and more efficient. It will be essential reading for policy-makers, researchers and industry around the world.
- Contents: Part I Introduction: Introduction, John R. Wilson, Ann Mills, Theresa Clarke and Beverley Norris
- Real prediction for real performance, Neville Moray. Part II Passengers and Public: Wayfinding, accessibility, inclusive design and passenger information systems: 'Euston station and beyond', Matt Pattison, John R. Wilson and Theresa Clarke
- Improving the content and placement of anti-trespass signs, Nicola Forsdike, Claire Turner, Fiona Bellerby, Sue Nelson and Paul McGuire
- Travel information vs commercial signboards: the battle between travel and shopping, Aswina D.P. Zwaagstra. Part III Driver Performance and Workload: Assessing the impact of increased numbers of CCTV images on driver only operation of a train, M. Wood, M. Freer, E. Grimes and N. Brook-Carter
- Understanding driver route knowledge, R. Luther, H. Livingstone, T. Gipson and E. Grimes
- Robot trains: results of focus groups with remote control operators in the United States and Canada, Stephen Reinach. Part IV Driving and Cognition: Cognitive workload of train drivers, Ilse Gillis
- Train drivers and fatal accidents on the rails: psychological aspects and safety, Valdimar Briem, Sonia de Lima and Camilla Siotis
- The cognitive tasks of the driver: the approach and passage through diverging junctions, Amanda C. Elliott, Sarah D. Garner and Elaine Grimes
- A train driving simulator experiment to investigate driver fault diagnosis, W.H. Gibson, M.W. Halliday, L. Sutton, J. Shelton and M. Bond. Part V Train Cab and Interfaces: Simulation and Design: An ergonomics methodology for retrofitting equipment in train cabs, Katie Buchanan, Gary Davis and Richard Roels
- The Waterfall train accident: implications and lessons learnt, Andrew S. McIntosh and Graham Edkins
- Determining user requirements for a human factors research train driver simulator, Thomas K. Yates, Sarah C. Sharples, Ged Morrisroe and Theresa Clarke
- A facility for testing ERTMS/ETCS conformity and human factors, Klaus P. Jaschke, Katrin Hartwig, Michael Meyer zu HArste and Karsten Lemmer
- Cardboard to computers: an evolution of design visualisation, Karen Wright. Part VI Routes, Signage, Signals and Drivability: Early route drivability assessment in support of railway investment, W. Ian Hamilton, Emma Lowe and Charlotte Hill
- Development of a route assessment checklist tool for train operators, Mark Newman, Claire Turner, Ann Mills and John Peters
- Informing signage positioning rules through a human factors assessment of signal/sign co-location, Charlotte Hill, Harry Blanchard and Mike Carey. Part VII Signalling and Control of the Railway: Mental workload assessment and the development of the operational demand evaluation checklist (ODEC) for signallers, Laura Pickup and John Wilson
- Supervision in signal boxes, Stuart Dickinson and Emma Lowe
- Prediction of signaller workload, Toby Garner, Mark Newman, Chris Lowe and W. Ian Hamilton
- Collecting human factors attitudes and opinions from signallers: development and use of REQUEST (the railway ergonomics questionnaire), Brendan Ryan, John R. Wilson, Sarah Sharples and Eleanor Marshall
- Ergonomics assessment of lever operation in mechanical signalling, R.J. Muffett
- From the horse's mouth: the contribution of subject matter experts (SMEs) to study of rail work systems, Gemma Cox, Trudi Farrington-Darby and Richard Bye
- Work analysis and distributed cognition representation of integrated rail operations, R. Bye, T. Farrington-Darby, G. Cox, G.R.J. Hockey, J.R. Wilson and T. Clarke. Part VIII Planning for the Railway: Planning, reasoning and patterns of inferences: an empirical study into the reasoning of staff planners in the Netherlands Railways, Rene Jorna and Derk Jan Kiewiet
- Implementation of a test system for evaluation of new concepts in rail traffic planning and control, Bengt Sandblad, Arne W. Andersson, Arvid Kauppi and Johan WikstrAm
- Task oriented support for train shunting planning, Wout Van Wezel. Part IX Engineering Work and Maintenance: Understanding the underlying causes of procedures violations and developing effective preventative strategies, David Embrey
- Human factors in the management of engineering possessions: the roles of the engineering supervisor and PICOP, Brendan Ryan, John R. Wilson, Alex Schock, Emma Lowe and Fiona Kenvyn
- Human factors integration for the computerised track access control system, Chris Lowe, Dan Lock, Barnaby Annan, Paul Thompson and Paul Raistrick. Part X Level Crossings: The impact of aggressive driving on the design of level crossing safety measures, Andrej Godec and Zdravko ToA!
- Human factors issues at level crossings: a reference tool for inspectors, Hayley Dixon, Andy Baker, and Claire Dickinson
- Human factors in the upgrading of railway control equipment, John Wood, Mark Brunt, Claire Fix, Andy Harding and Theresa Clarke
- The effect of a level crossing upgrade on signaller workload and staffing requirements: a case study, Amanda J. Widdowson. Part XI Accidents and Safety: Maximisin
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