The present volume contains the papers read at the 54th Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (July 27-29, 2005). The general theme of the meeting was "The Death of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel". Part I is comprised of fourteen "Main Papers" delivered by invited speakers. It includes contributions on the sign of the cross (G. Van Belle), the narrative and theological significance of the death of Jesus (J. Frey), the interpretation of the passion in the farewell discourses (J. Zumstein), the characterisation of Pilate (R.A. Piper), a study of God, Jesus, Satan, and human agency (C.R. Koester), two studies on the Lamb of God (R. Bieringer and M. Gourgues), the Markan and Johannine theology of the Cross (U. Schnelle), the anticipations of the death of Jesus (J.-M. Sevrin), the commandment of love interpreted from the perspective of the cross (D. Senior), a diachronical approach to "the lifting up and glorification of the Son of Man" (M. de Boer), a study on tradition, history and theology of the death of Jesus (J. Painter), the meaning of the "laying down" of life in Jn 10,11 and Jn 15,13 (T. Soding), and the role of the Jews in 19,16 (L. Devillers).
Part II, "Offered Papers", includes 38 papers with thematic readings or studies on specific passages of the Fourth Gospel.
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