The return of Ulysses to his homeland
(Classical video library)
Toshiba EMI, c1973
ビデオレコード(ビデオ (カセット))
歌劇「ウリッセの帰還」 : プロローグと全2幕
Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria
Sung in Italian with Japanese subtitles
Added titles from leaflet
Libretto by Giacomo Badoaro, realised by Raymond Leppard
Cast: Janet Baker (Penelope), Benjamin Luxon (Ulisse), Anne Howells (Minerva), Robert Lloyd (Nettuno), Ian Caley (Telemaco) ; other soloists ; The Glyndebourne Chorus ; London Philharmonic Orchestra ; Raymond Leppard, conductor
Credits: Peter Hall, producer
収録: 1973 グラインドボーン
VHS format
"Glyndbourne Festival opera"
Toshiba EMI: TOLW-3561--3562
Toshiba EMI [19--]
ビデオレコード (ビデオ (カセット))