Jagadvijayacchandas of Kavindracharya
ed. by C. Kunhan Raja
(The Ganga oriental series, no. 2)
Anup Sanskrit Library, 1945
जगद्विजयच्छन्दः कविन्द्राचार्यविर्चितम्
Added t.-p. and text in Sanskrit, introductory matter in English
"This edition of the Jagadvijayacchandas with commentary in its longer recension, along with the same in a shorter recension with commentary and the two texts without commentaries, is based on four manuscripts in the Anup Sanskrit Library, Bikaner."
"Some evidence about the location of the manuscript library of Kavindracharya Sarasvati at Benares in A.D. 1665, by P.K. Gode": p. xlvii-lvii
Anup Sanskrit Library