Developing countries as a group stand to gain very substantially from trade reform in agricultural commodities. Agricultural Trade Liberalization and the Least Developed Countries is the first book to address important questions relating to this subject. The authors are world renowned experts on international trade and development and they address a very important and timely issue.
Agricultural Trade Liberalization and the Least Developed Countries.- Agricultural Trade, Development Problems and Poverty in the Least Developed Countries.- Making Agricultural Trade Reform Work for the Poor.- Price Intervention in Sub-Saharan African Agriculture.- Poverty, Land Conservation and Intergenerational Equity.- Trade Liberalization in Cotton and Sugar.- How to Increase the Benefits of the Doha Development Round for the Least Developed Countries.- Improving Market Access in Agriculture for the African Least Developed Countries.- Agricultural Trade Liberalization Under Doha.- The Practical Experience with Agricultural Trade Liberalization in Asia.- What can be Learned from the History of Developed Countries?.- How U.S. Farm Policies in the Mid-1990s Affected International Crop Prices.- The WTO Agricultural Negotiations and the Least Developed Countries.
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