There is a truly enormous literature on using stated preference information to place a monetary value on environmental amenities. This three volume set provides the key papers for understanding the historical development of contingent valuation, its theoretical and statistical foundations, and the major controversies. It also contains representative papers covering all of the major application areas in environmental valuation.
Part I Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations: The four consumer surpluses, J.R. Hicks
The interpretation of voting in the allocation of economic resources, Howard R. Bowen
Capital returns from soil conservation practices, S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup
The life you save may be your own, T.C. Schelling
The pure theory of public expenditure, Paul A. Samuelson
Wilderness areas: an extra-market problem in resource allocation, L. Gregory Hines
Conservation reconsidered, John V. Krutilla
Collective-consumption services of individual-consumption goods, Burt A. Weisbrod
Environmental preservation, uncertainty, and irreversibility, Kenneth J. Arrow and Anthony C. Fisher. Part II Early Applications: The value of big game hunting in a private forest, Robert K. Davis
Congestion, quality deterioration, and optimal use: wilderness recreation in the Spanish Peaks primitive area, Charles J. Cicchetti and V. Kerry Smith
Measuring benefits generated by urban water parks, Arthur H. Darling
Congestion and willingness to pay: a study of beach use, Kenneth E. McConnell
Bidding games for the valuation of aesthetic environmental improvements, Alan Randall, Berry Ives and Clyde Eastman
The valuation of aesthetic preferences, David S. Brookshire, Berry C. Ives and William D. Schulze
The demand for clean water: the case of the Charles River, Frederick W. Gramlich
Option value: empirical evidence from a case study of recreation and water quality, Douglas A. Greenley, Richard G. Walsh and Robert A. Young
Measuring values of extra-market goods: are indirect measures biased? Richard C. Bishop and Thomas A. Heberlein
Application of stochastic choice modelling to policy analysis of public goods: a case study of air quality improvements, Edna Loehman and Vo Hu De. Part III Early Tests of Validity: Comparisons of methods for resource evaluation, Jack L. Knetsch and Robert K. Davis
Estimating demand for public goods: an experiment, Peter Bohm
Valuing public goods: a comparison of survey and hedonic approaches, David S. Brookshire, Mark A. Thayer, William D. Schulze, Ralph C. d'Arge
Contingent valuation techniques for assessing environmental impacts: further evidence, Mark A. Thayer
Valuing environmental commodities: some recent experiments, William D. Schulz, Ralph C. d'Arge and David S. Brookshire
Effect of distance on the preservation value of water quality, Ronald J. Sutherland and Richard G. Walsh
Option price estimates for water quality improvements: a contingent evaluation study for the Monongahela River, William H. Desvousges, V. Kerry Smith and Ann Fisher
Pricing environmental health risks: survey assessments of risk-risk and risk-dollar trade-offs for chronic bronchitis, W. Kip Viscusi, Wesley A. Magat and Joel Huber. Part IV Statistical Approaches: Welfare evaluations in contingent valuation experiments with discrete responses, Michael W. Hanemann
Efficient estimation methods for 'closed-ended' contingent valuation surveys, Trudy Ann Cameron and Michelle D. James
A new paradigm for valuing non-market goods using referendum data: maximum likelihood estimation by censored logistic regression, Trudy Ann Cameron
Models for referendum data: the structure of discrete choice models for contingent valuation, K.E. McConnell
Contingent valuation and social choice, Daniel McFadden
Confidence intervals for evaluating benefits estimates from dichotomous choice contingent valuation studies, Timothy Park, John B. Loomis and Michael Creel
A non-parametric approach to the estimation of welfare measures in discrete response valuation studies, Bengt KristrAm
Experimental design for discrete choice voter preference surveys, Richard T. Carson and Dan Steinberg
Referendum models and negative willingness to pay: alternative solutions, Timothy C. Haab and Kenneth E. McConnell
Spike models in contingent valuation, Bengt KristrAm
Allowing for zeros in dichotomous-choice contingent-valuation models, Megan Werner
Bias in discrete response contingent valuation, Barbara J. Kanninen
Statistical efficiency of double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation, Michael Hanemann, John Loomis and Barbara Kanninen
Modeling response incentive effects in dichotomous choice contingent valuation data, Anna Alberini, Barbara Kanninen and Richard T. Carson
Referendum contingent valuation estimates: sensitivity to assignment of offered values, Trudy Ann Cameron and Daniel D. Huppert
Optimal designs for discrete-choice contingent valuation surveys: single-bound, double-bound and bivariate models, Anna Alberini
Name index. Volume II: Conceptual and Empirical Issues: Introduction
Part I Conceptual Issues: Overviews of the Debate: Contingent valuation
a user's guide, Richard T. Carson
Beyond the crucial experiment: mapping the performance characteristics of contingent valuation, Alan Randall
Administering contingent valuation surveys in developi