In the second edition of Biometricai Genetics, which appeared in 1971, we set out to give a general account of the subject as it had developed up to that time. Such an account necessarily had to be comprehensive and reasonably detailed. Although it could be, and indeed has been, used by those who were making an acquaintance with this branch of genetics for the first time, it went beyond their needs. We have been encouraged therefore to write an introduction to the genetical analysis of continuous variation aimed primarily at senior undergraduate and postgraduate students, and concentrating on basic considerations, basic principles and basic techniques. This has meant, of course, omitting all reference to some phenomena of more restricted interest, notably sex-linkage, ma ternal effects, haploidy and polyploidy. It has meant, too, that even with some phenomena which have been included, like interactions, linkage and effective factors, the discussions cannot go into full detail. Anyone who is interested, however, can find further information in Biometricai Genetics, to which detailed references have been given where it ap peared that these would be helpful. The order of presentation has been changed with the aim of making it easier for beginners.
1. The genetical foundation.- 1. Continuous variation.- 2. The genic basis.- 3. Assaying the chromosomes.- 4. Locating the genes.- 2. The biometrical approach.- 5. The manifestation of polygenic systems.- 6. Genetic analysis and somatic analysis.- 7. Biometrical genetics.- 3. Additive and dominance effects.- 8. Components of means.- 9. Testing the model.- 10. Scales.- 11. Components of variation: F2 and back-crosses.- 12. Generations derived from F2.- 13. The balance sheet of genetic variability.- 14. Partitioning the variation.- 4. Diallels.- 15. The principles of diallel analysis.- 16. An example of a simple diallel.- 17. Undefined diallels.- 18. An example of an undefined diallel.- 5. Genic interaction and linkage.- 19. Non-allelic interaction.- 20. Interaction as displayed by means.- 21. Variances and covariances.- 22. Correlated gene distributions: linkage.- 23. Diallels.- 6. Interaction of genotype and environment.- 24. Genotype x environment interaction.- 25. Two genotypes and two environments.- 26. A more complex case.- 27. The relation of g to e.- 28. Crosses between inbred lines.- 29. Variance of F2.- 7. Randomly breeding populations.- 30. The components of variation.- 31. Human populations.- 32. The use of twins.- 33. Experimental analysis.- 34. Complicating factors.- 35. Heritability.- 8. Genes and effective factors.- 36. Estimating the number of segregating genes.- 37. Consequences of linkage: effective factors.- 38. Other sources of estimates.- 9. Conclusion.- 39. Designing the experiments.- 40. Concepts and uses.- Glossary of symbols and abbreviations.- References.
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