This book was prepared for publication by an International Working Group of experts under the auspices of COGEOENVIRONMENT - the Commission of the International Union of Geological Sciences (lUGS) on Geological Sciences for Environmental Planning and lUGS-GEM (Commission on Geosciences for Environmental Management). The main aim of the Working Group "Geology and Ecosystems" was to develop an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the mechanisms and special features within the "living tissue - inert nature" system under different regional, geological, and anthropogenic conditions. This activity requires international contributions from many scientific fields. It requires efforts from scientists specializing in fields such as: environmental impacts of extractive industries, anthropogenic development and medical problems related to geology and ecosystem interaction, the prediction of the geoenvironmental evolution of ecosystems, etc. The Working Group determined the goal and objectives of the book, developed the main content, discussed the parts and chapters, and formed the team of authors and the Editorial Board. The Meetings of the Working Group (Vilnius, Lithuania, 2002 and Warsaw-Kielniki, Poland, 2003) were dedicated to discussion and approval of the main content of all chapters in the Book.
Part I. Geological Environment as a Basement for the Formation of Ecosystems: The Contemporary Conceptions on the Geological Environment: Basic Features, Structure and System of Links.- The Geological Environment and Ecosystems.- The Influence of Modern Geological Processes on The Evolution of Ecosystems.- Geological and Geochemical Influences on Estuarine Ecosystems.- The Role Of Tectonic Processes in The Interaction Between Geology and Ecosystems.- Part II. Environmental Impacts of The Extractive Industries: Karst and Ecosystems.- Environmental Aspects of The Exploitation of Mineral Resources.- Groundwater as a Component of The Environment.- Groundwater use and Public Health.- Part III. Anthropogenic Development, Geology and Ecosystems: Ways of Groundwater Pollution Risk Estimation for Ecosystems Sustainability.- Urbanisation and The Geoenvironment.- Assessment of The Discharged Waters Effect Upon Ecosystems.- The Impact of Technogenic Catastrophes on Ecogeological Processes.- Exogenic Geological Processes as A Landforms Shaping Factor.- Part IV. Medical Problems Related to Geology and Ecosystem Interaction: Environmental Aspects Of Groundwater Pollution.- Human Health and Ecosystems.- Part V. Prediction of The Geoenvironmental Evolution of Ecosystems: Medical Ecological Significance of The Water Factor.- Prediction of Exogenic Geological Processes.- Prediction of Endogenic Geological Processes.- Mathematical Models of The Interaction Between The Geological and Ecological Environment.- Part VI. Newest Ecogeological Processes Within River Basins: The Influence of Climate Change on Geology and Ecosystem Interaction.- Ecosystems Monitoring Under Desertification Within Interior See-Lakes And Deltas.- Part VII. Main Directions For Ecogeological Studies: Ecosystems Forming on The Fresh River Deposition.- Ecogeological Mapping.- Monitoring Geological Processes As Part of General Environmental Monitoring.- Geology And High-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal - A BriefOverview.- Monitoring Endogenic Geological Processes.- Permafrost Monitoring.- Ecological Education of Geology Students.
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