आचार्याश्वघोषकृत वज्रसूची = Slob-dpon Rta-dbyaṅs kyis mdzad pa'i Rdo-rje'i-khab
अनुवादक एवं सम्पादक, लोसङ् नोर्बु शास्त्री, लोसङ् दोर्जे (रबलिङ्) ; पर्यवेक्षक, रामशङ्कर त्रिपाठी
(भोट-भारतीय-ग्रन्थमाला, 63)
केन्द्रीय उच्च तिब्बती शिक्षा संस्थान, 2006
1. संस्करण
Ācārya Aśvaghoṣa's Vajrasūcī
आचार्य अश्वघोष कृत वज्र सूची
Slob-dpon Rta-dbyaṅs kyis mdzad paʾi Rdo-rjeʾi-khab
Slob-dpon Rta-dbyangs kyis mdzad pa'i Rdo-rje'i-khab
आचार्य अश्वघोष कृत वज्र सूची
Ācāryāśvaghoṣakr̥ta Vajrasūcī
: hardAJ1/294.3/BitF107004408
Sanskrit text with translation into Tibetan, Hindi and English; introductory matter in Hindi and English Added t.p. in English "Translated and critically edited by Losang Norbu Shastri, Lobsang Dorjee (Rabling) ; supervisor, Prof. Ram Shankar Tripathi"--Added t.p PUB: Sarnath, Varanasi : Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Summary: Classical Buddhist treatise on social problem of Indian castes system; critically annotated and edited the root text with translation into Tibetan, English and Hindi Includes bibliographical references (p. [271]-278) and indexes
केन्द्रीय उच्च तिब्बती शिक्षा संस्थान
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