A history of Royal Dutch Shell
Oxford University Press, 2007
A century of Royal Dutch Shell : from challenger to joint industry leader up to 1939
A century of Royal Dutch Shell : powering the hydrocarbon revolution, 1939-1973
A century of Royal Dutch Shell : keeping competitive in turbulent oil markets, 1973-2007
学習院大学 図書館 法経 Appendices665.5/H629h1/40200522232, Appendices575/H7600699355
東京都立大学 図書館 経営 Appendices10000957409
Appendices5600:86:A120704317P, 明治大学 図書館 本 Appendices568||276||||D2200706976
Appendices335.48||R888||42105341 Accompanied by: DVD 1: A century of Royal Dutch Shell : from challenger to joint industry leader up to 1939; DVD 2: A century of Royal Dutch Shell : powering the hydrocarbon revolution, 1939-1973; DVD 3: A century of Royal Dutch Shell : keeping competitive in turbulent oil markets, 1973-2007 Keetie Sluyterman
Oxford University Press
A history of Royal Dutch Shell
v. 3
所蔵館20館 Stephen Howarth & Joost Jonker
Oxford University Press
A history of Royal Dutch Shell
v. 2
所蔵館20館 Joost Jonker & Jan Luiten van Zanden
Oxford University Press
A history of Royal Dutch Shell
v. 1
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