You can touch my heartstrings
Shinich [i.e. Shinichi] Kato
Naie Records, [199-?]
Naoki Nishi (1st-2nd and 9th works), Daisuke Iwasaki (3rd and 7th-8th), Kazuhiko Nishimura, (4th-6th), pianos ; Isao Miyoshi, guitar (2nd-3rd, 6th-7th and 9th) ; Yoshio Ohtomo, alto sax (3rd, 7th and 9th) ; Masahiko Ohsaka (1st-3rd and 7th-9th), Keita Okada (4th and 6th), drums ; Tomohiro Yahiro, percussion (3rd-4th)
Recorded at Studio Friends Music, Tokyo Japan, 9/12, 19, 23. 1991
Compact disc
Naie Records: NAIE 2290
Naie Records: TGCS 102