आश्वलायनश्रौतसूत्रम् : सिद्धान्तिभाष्यसहितम् = The Āśvalāyana Śrauta sūtra : with the commentary of Siddhāntin
edited for the first time from original manuscripts, with introduction, critical notes, several appendices and indices by Mangal Deva Shastri
(The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts, no. 74)
Vidya Vilas Press [printing press], 1938-1955
The Āśvalāyana Śrauta sūtra : with Siddhānti-bhāṣya
आश्वलायन श्रौत सूत्रम् : सिद्धान्तिन् भाष्य सहितम्
आश्वलायन श्रौत सूत्रम् : सिद्धान्तिन् भाष्य सहितम्
Āśvalāyanaśrautasūtram : Siddhāntibhāṣyasahitam
Text in Sanskrit; pref. and appendix in English
Includes list of variant readings
Government Sanskrit Library , To be had of the Superintendent of the Government Press , Vidya Vilas Press , Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Government Press