आशाधरविरचिता त्रिवेणिका = The Trīveṇikā of Āśādhara Bhaṭṭa
edited with introduction etc. by Baṭuk nātha Śarmā
(The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts, no. 14)
Vidya Vilas Press [printing press], 1925
The Triveṇīkā
आशाधर विरचिता त्रिवेणिका
आशाधर विरचिता त्रिवेणिका
Āśādharaviracitā Triveṇikā
Text in Sanskrit; introd. in English
Government Sanskrit Library , To be had of the Superintendent of the Government Press , Vidya Vilas Press , Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Government Press