This volume collects articles in pure and applied analysis, partial differential equations, geometric analysis and stochastic and infinite-dimensional analysis. In particular, the contributors discuss integral and pseudo-differential operators, which play an important role in partial differential equations. Other methods of solving the partial differential equations are considered, such as the min-max approach to variational problems and boundary value problems. The foundations of quantum mechanics from the viewpoints of infinite-dimensional spaces and Bell's inequality and contraction are also mentioned.
- Integral and Pseudo-Differential Operators: Singular Integral Operators in Functional Spaces of Morrey Type (L Softova)
- Partial Differential Equations: New Variational Methods (M Schechter)
- Some Remarks on Single Conservation Laws (M Tsuji & P Wagner)
- A Class of Solutions to Maxwell's Equations in Matter and Associated Special Functions (P Massopust)
- Geometric Analysis: Monotone Invariants and Embeddings of Statistical Manifolds (L H Van)
- Sobolev Spaces with Weight on Riemannian Manifolds (N M Chuong & L D Thinh)
- Stochastic and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis: Stochastic Population Control and RSDE with Jumps (S Rong)
- Infinite-Dimensional Stochastic Analysis and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (A Khrennikov)
- Non-Commutative Trigonometry and Quantum Mechanics (K Gustafson)
- and other papers.
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