Throughout his academic career Robert Crouse has insisted that the patristic and medieval philosophical and theological traditions, which have so profoundly shaped western culture, cannot be understood apart from the subtle and complex dialogue between Christianity and Hellenic culture out of which these traditions emerged.
In this volume in Father Crouse's honour, twenty-two eminent scholars from across North America and Europe examine various moments within the emergence of the doctrine of creation in the patristic and medieval periods, the Hebraic and Hellenic pre-history of this movement, as well as modern reactions to the partristic and medieval syntheses.
Student and specialist alike will appreciate not only the depth of scholarly research clearly evident in the individual essays, but also the broad scope of the volume as a whole.
Contributors include: Stephen Andrews, Stephen F. Brown, Mary T. Clark, RSCJ, Kevin Corrigan, Lawrence Dewan, Robert Dodaro, OSA, Wayne J. Hankey, Walter A. Hannam, Michael Harrington, Paige E. Hochschild, Dennis House, Edouard Jeauneau, Angus Johnston, Torrance Kirby, Terence J. Kleven, Marguerite Kussmaul, Matthew L. Lamb, D. Gregory MacIsaac, Ralph McInerny, Luca Obertello, Willemien Otten, Neil G. Robertson, Horst Seidl, and Michael Treschow.
Preface, Robert Dodaro, OSA
Introductory Note, Walter A. Hannam
Standard Abbreviations
1. What's the Matter with Eve? The Woman and Her Sentence in Ancient Judaism, Stephen Andrews
2. Old Testament Teaching on Necessity in Creation and Its Implication for the Doctrine of Atonement, Terence J. Kleven,
3. The Origin and Nature of Humankind in Plato's Symposium, Dennis House
4. The Simple Bodies as Unities of Quantity and Quality in Aristotle's On Generation and Corruption, Angus Johnston
5. Is Aristotle's Cosmology and Metaphysics Compatible with the Christian Concept of Creation?, Horst Seidl
6. Making Sense of Creative Horizons in the Thought of Aristotle, Plotinus, and Plato, Kevin Corrigan
7. Eternity Creates and Redeems Time: A Key to Augustine's Confessions within a Theology of History, Matthew L. Lamb
8. The Origin of Determination in the Neoplatonism of Proclus, D. Gregory MacIsaac
9. Proclus, Ammonius of Hermias, and Zacharias Scholasticus: The Search after Eternity and the Meaning of Creation, Luca Obertello
10. Creation and Natural Contemplation in Maximus the Confessor's Ambiguum 10:19, Michael Harrington
11. Ovsia in the Categoriae decem and the Periphyseon of John Scottus Eriugena, Paige E. Hochschild
12. La conclusion du Periphyseon. Comment un dialogue devient monologue, Edouard Jeauneau
13. Nature, Body and Text in Early Medieval Theology: From Eriugena to Chartres, Willemien Otten
14. Wisdom's Land: King Alfred's Imagery in His Preface to His Translation of Augustine's Soliloquies, Michael Treschow
15. The Synthesis Tradition, Mary T. Clark, RSCJ
16. Thomism as Philosophy, Ralph McInerny
17. Ab uno simplici non est nisi unum: The Place of Natural and Necessary Emanation in Aquinas's Doctrine of Creation, Wayne J. Hankey
18. What Does Createdness Look Like?, Lawrence Dewan
19. Le discours de Beatrice sur la creation dans le paradiso de Dante, Marguerite Kussmaul
20. Aristotle's View on the Eternity of the World According to Peter of Candia, Stephen F. Brown
21. Creation and Government: Eternal Law as the Fountain of Laws in Richard Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, Torrance Kirby
22. The Doctrine of Creation and the Enlightenment, Neil G. Robertson
Publications by Robert D. Crouse
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