This volume chronicles a quarter-century of feminist theorizations on equality and liberty. The essays demonstrate a continuing commitment to feminist method (a democratic notion that all people have a right to participate in the production of knowledge of the world, including legal knowledge) and manifest feminism's continuing critical tradition (namely, theorists' willingness to see multiple factors, including feminism itself, as obstructing enlightened constructions of the world). Taken together, the essays suggest that liberty to make the world is not just a means to an end - equality - but is a substantive end in itself.
- Theory: Method: Feminism, Marxism, method and the state: an agenda for theory, Catharine A. MacKinnon
- Foreword: justice engendered, Martha Minow
- Critique: Race and essentialism in feminist legal theory, Angela P. Harris. Applications: Sex and Sexuality: Reconceptualizing sexual harassment, Vicki Schulz
- Theorizing yes
- an essay on feminism, law and desire, Katherine M. Franke. Multicultural Rights in Liberal Democracies: Feminism v. multiculturalism: women's rights in the developing world, Leti Volpp
- In defense of universal values, Martha C. Nussbaum
- Piercing the veil, Madhavi Sunder
- Take a break from feminism?, Janet Halley
- Index.
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