Man made to God's image
[St Thomas Aquinas] ; Latin text, English translation, introduction, notes, appendices & glossary [by] Edmund Hill
(Summa theologiæ : Latin text and English translation, introductions, notes, appendices and glossaries / St Thomas Aquinas, v. 13 (1a. 90-102))
Cambridge University Press, 2006
: pbk132.2/SU/133077728
: pbk132.2||Th5C||v.13203515
"The Dominican Council as Trustee for the English Province of the Order of Preachers 1964 [Excepting Latin text of 'DE PRIMA HOMINIS PRODUCTIONE']"--T.p. verso
"This digitally printed first paperback version 2006"--T.p. verso
"Paperback Re-issue "--P. 4 of cover
Includes index
「Nielsen BookData」 より
St Thomas Aquinas
Cambridge University Press
v. 61