An international manual is like a world cruise: a once-in-a-lifetime experience. All the more reason to consider carefully whether it is necessary. This can hardly be the case if previous research in the selected field has already been the subject of an earlier review-or even several competing surveys. On the other hand, more thorough study is necessary if the intensity and scope of research are increasing without comprehensive assessments. That was the situation in Western societies when work began on this project in the summer of 1998. It was then, too, that the challenges emerged: any manual, espe cially an international one, is a very special type of text, which is anything but routine. It calls for a special effort: the "state of the art" has to be documented for selected subject areas, and its presentation made as compelling as possible. The editors were delighted, therefore, by the cooperation and commitment shown by the eighty-one contributors from ten countries who were recruited to write on the sixty-two different topics, by the con structive way in which any requests for changes were dealt with, and by the patient re sponse to our many queries. This volume is the result of a long process. It began with the first drafts outlining the structure of the work, which were submitted to various distinguished colleagues. Friedheim Neidhardt of Berlin, Gertrud Nunner-Winkler of Munich, and Roland Eckert of Trier, to name only a few, supplied valuable comments at this stage.
- Preface.
I: The Framework of the Handbook.
1. Violence: The Difficulties of a Systematic International Review
- W. Heitmeyer, J. Hagan. 2. The Concept of Violence
- P. Imbusch. 3. The Long-term Development of Violence: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Approach to Interpretation
- M. Eisner.
II: Research on Violence: An Interdisciplinary Approach with a Focus on Social Sciences.
1. Societal Structures and Institutions: Social Conditions and State Agents. 1.1. Social Structures and Inequalities
- R.D. Crutchfield, T. Wadsworth, J.F. Short Jr., C. Hagemann-White. 1.2. Violence in and by State Institutions
- M. Hanagan, P. Longerich, G. Kummel, P. Klein, R.D. Crelinsten, J.-P. Brodeur. 2. Groups and Collectivities: Political and Ideological Violence. 2.1. Ethnopolitical Conflict and Separatist Violence
- T. Gurr, A. Pitsch. 2.2. Ethnic Violence
- A. Wimmer, C. Schetter. 2.3. The Socio-Anthropological Interpretation of Violence
- G. Elwert. 2.4. Civil Wars
- P. Waldmann. 2.5. Terrorism
- F. Reinares. 2.6. Violence from Religious Groups
- J. Pahl. 2.7. Vigilantism
- D. Kowalewski. 2.8. Pogroms
- W. Bergmann. 2.9. Violence and New Social Movements
- D. Ruscht. 2.10. Violence and the New Left
- D. della Porta. 2.11. Right-Wing Extremist Violence
- W. Heitmeyer. 2.12. Large-Scale Violence as Contentious Politics
- C. Tilly. 3. Violent Individuals: Perpetrators and Motives. 3.1. Processes ofLearning and Socialization
- J.T. Tedeschi, R.F. Baumeister, B.J. Bushman, E.V.E. Hodges, N.A. Card, J. Isaacs, H. Lukesch, H. Foster, J. Hagan. 3.2. Evolutionary and Social Biological Approaches
- M. Daly, M. Wilson, L. Baker, G. Albrecht, A. Blumstein, D. Hobbs, S. Messner. 4. Victims of Violence: Individuals and Groups. 4.1. Violence against Children
- J. Gabarino, C.P. Bradshaw. 4.2. Violence in Intimate Relationships
- P. Russell, R. Dobash, R.E. Dobash. 4.3. Suicide
- D. Lester. 4.4. Violence against the Socially Expendable
- E.A. Fattah. 4.5. Violence against Ethnic and Religious Minorities
- T. Bjorgo. 4.6. Hate Crimes Directed at Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Victims
- J. McDevitt, J. Williamson. 4.7. Trauma and Violence in Children and Adolescents: A Developmental Perspective
- B.A. van der Kolk, A. Streeck-Fischer. 5. Social Opportunity Structures: Institutions and Social Spaces. 5.1. Violence in Social Institutions
- R.J. Gelles, G. Klewin, K.J. Tillmann, G. Weingart, V. di Martino, E. Dunning. 5.2. Violence in the Public Space
- R. Koelbel, F. Dubet. 6. Violence Discourses: Ideologies and Justifications. 6.1. Discourses and Ideologies
- T. Meyer, H. Munkler, M. Llanque, K. Burgess-Jackson, V. Krech, J. Nieraad. 6.2. Justification Strategies
- D. Grimm, A. Funk, O. Backes, P. Reichenbach, H. Bielefeldt, S. Lamnek. 7. Processes and Dynamics: Escalation and De-Escalation. 7.1. Fear of Violent Crime
- K. Boers. 7.2. Public Opinion and Violence
- H.M.
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