This volume presents a careful selection of fifteen articles presented at the SPCL meetings in Atlanta, Boston and Hawai'i in 2003 and 2004. The contributions reflect - from various perspectives and using different types of data - on the interplay between structure and variation in contact languages, both synchronically and diachronically. The contributors consider a wide range of languages, including Surinamese creoles, Chinook Jargon, Yiddish, AAVE, Haitian Creole, Afro-Hispanic and Afro-Portuguese varieties, Nigerian Pidgin, Sri Lankan Malay, Papiamentu, and Bahamian Creole English. A need to question and test existing claims regarding pidginization/creolization is evident in all contributions, and the authors provide analyses for a variety of grammatical structures: VO-ordering and affixation, agglutination, negation, TMAs, plural marking, the copula, and serial verb constructions. The volume provides ample evidence for the observation that pidgin/creole studies is today a mature subfield of linguistics which is making important contributions to general linguistic theory.
- 1. Introduction (by Deumert, Ana)
- 2. Part I: Structure
- 3. The phonetics of tone in Saramaccan (by Good, Jeff)
- 4. Tracing the origin of modality in the creoles of Suriname (by Migge, Bettina)
- 5. Modelling Creole Genesis: Headedness in morphology (by Veenstra, Tonjes)
- 6. The restructuring of tense/aspect systems in creole formation (by Winford, Donald)
- 7. Syntactic properties of negation in Chinook Jargon, with a comparison of two source languages (by Vrzic, Zvjezdana)
- 8. Sri Lankan Malay morphosyntax: Lankan or Malay? (by Slomanson, Peter)
- 9. Sri Lanka Malay: Creole or convert? (by Smith, Ian)
- 10. The advantages of a blockage-based etymological dictionary for proven or putative relexified languages: (Extrapolating from the Yiddish experience) (by Wexler, Paul)
- 11. Part II: Variation
- 12. A fresh look at habitual be in AAVE (by Collins, Chris)
- 13. Oral narrative and tense in urban Bahamian Creole English (by Hackert, Stephanie)
- 14. Aspects of variation in educated Nigerian Pidgin: Verbal structures (by Deuber, Dagmar)
- 15. A linguistic time-capsule: Plural /s/ reduction in Afro-Portuguese and Afro-Hispanic historical texts (by Ferreira, Fernanda L.)
- 16. The progressive in the spoken Papiamentu of Aruba (by Sanchez, Tara)
- 17. Was Haitian ever more like French? (by Parkvall, Mikael)
- 18. The late transfer of serial verb constructions as stylistic variants in Saramaccan creole (by Kramer, Marvin)
- 19. Index
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