In this book distinguished philosophers and historians of education from six countries focus on the problematical nature of the search for 'what works' in educational contexts, in practice as well as in theory. Beginning with specific problems, they move on to more general and theoretical considerations, seeking to go beyond simplistic notions of cause and effect and the rhetoric of performativity that currently grips educational thinking.
- Introduction: P. Smeyers and M. DePaepe. 1. The Good Practices of Jozef Emiel Verheyden-Schoolman and Professor of Education at the Ghent University: M. Depaepe, F. Simon & A. van Gorp.2. Ovide Decroly, a Hero of Education: A. van Gorp. 3. Why Generalizability is not Generalicable: L. Fendler. 4. New Languages and Old Institutions: the Problems of Implementing New School Governance: Daniel Troehler. 5. Problematisation or Methodology: J.D. Marshall. 6. The Relevance of Irrelevant Research
- the Irrelevance of Relevant Research: P. Smeyers. 7. Expectations of What Scientific Research Could (Not) Do: Kathleen Coessens and Jean Paul van Bendegem. 8. Kuhnian Science and Education Research: Analytics of Practice and Training: Lynda Stone. 9. The International and the Excellend in Educational Research: David Bridges. 10. Technical Difficulties: the Workings of Practical Judgement: R. Smith. 11. The Science of Education - Disciplinary Knowledge on Non-Knowledge/Ignorance?: Edwin Keiner. Index. Notes on Contributors.
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