Aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus = आपस्तम्बीयधर्मसूत्रम्
by Apastamba ; edited by George Bühler
(Bombay Sanskrit series, no. 44,
Govt. Central Book Depôt, 1892-1894
2nd ed. rev
आपस्तम्बीय धर्म सूत्रम्
At head of title: The Department of Public Instruction, Bombay
Pt. 1 containing the text, with critical notes, an index of the sûtras, and the various readings of the Hiraṇyakeśi-Dharmasûtra
Pt. 2 containing the extracts from the Sanskrit commentary of Haradatta, called Ujjvala, together with a verbal index to the sûtras, by Th. Bloch
Government Central Book Depôt