The tax consequences of restructuring of indebtedness (debt work-outs)
general reporter, Machiel V. Lambooij ; discussion leaders, Lewis Steinberg, Michel Taly
(Cahiers de droit fiscal international = Studies on international fiscal law = Schriften zum internationalen Steuerrecht, 91a,
Sdu Fiscale & Financiële Uitgevers, c2006
: pbk345-C11-91-110011017413
Texts in English, German and French
"60th Congress of the International Fiscal Association, Amsterdam 2006" -- Half t.p
Accompanyed by 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) for v. 91a-91b
Summary in German, French and Spanish
Includes bibliographical references
Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers , International Fiscal Association