Presenting many texts available for the very first time, this new volume in the successful Early Church Fathers series showcases full translations of Evagrius' letters, notes on various books of the bible, his treatises and his 'chapters'.
Augustine Casiday's material is both accurate and refreshingly approachable, and the work is prefaced by a solid introductory essay that presents Evagrius, his work and influences, and modern scholarship in an easy-to-understand way for beginners.
For students dealing with Evagrius for the first time, they could not find a better book to begin their exploration of this figure in late-ancient history and theology.
Epigraph Acknowledgments Introduction 1. Why Evagrius Matters 2. Evagrius' Life and After-life 3. Evagrius' Writings and his Thinking 4. Evagrius the Guide Appendix: Select Glossary of Terms Texts Introduction to Letters On the Faith Letters 7, 8, 19, 20 The Great Letter Introduction to Treatises The Causes for Monastic Observances, and How the Compare to Stillness On Thoughts A Word About Prayer Introduction to Notes on Scripture Notes on Job Notes on Ecclesiastes On the Lord's Prayer Notes on Luke Introduction to Chapters To the Virgin Excerpts Aphorisms Definitions On Prayer Select Bibliography
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