This book contains a cohesive, self-contained collection of theoretical and applied research results that have been achieved in this project which pertain to nonmonotonic and approximate easoning systems developed for an experimental unmanned aerial vehicle system used in the project. This book should be of interest to the theoretician and applied researcher alike and to autonomous system developers and software agent and intelligent system developers.
and Preliminaries.- Basic Notions.- Rough Sets.- Relational and Deductive Databases.- Non-Monotonic Reasoning.- From Relations to Knowledge Representation.- Rough Knowledge Databases.- Combining Rough and Crisp Knowledge.- Weakest Sufficient and Strongest Necessary Conditions.- CAKE: Computer Aided Knowledge Engineering.- Formalization of Default Logic Using CAKE.- A UAV Scenario: A Case Study.- From Sensors to Relations.- Information Granules.- Tolerance Spaces.- A Rough Set Approach to Machine Learning.- UAV Learning Process: A Case Study.
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