Approaches to Human Geography is the essential student primer on theory and practice in human geography. It is a systematic review of the key ideas and debates informing post-war geography, explaining how those ideas work in practice. In three sections, the text provides:
* A comprehensive contexualising essay: Introducing Philosophies, People and Practices
* Philosophies: written by the principal proponents, easily comprehensible accounts of: Positivistic Geographies; Humanism; Feminist Geographies; Marxism; Structuration Theory; Behavioral Geography; Realism; Post Structuralist Theories; Actor-Network Theory; and Post Colonialism
* People: prominent geographers explain events that formed their ways of knowing; the section offers situated accounts of theory and practice by, for example: David Ley; Linda McDowell; and David Harvey
* Practices: applied accounts of Quantification, Evidence and Positivism; Geographic Information Systems; Humanism; Geography, Political Activism, and Marxism; the Production of Feminist Geographies; Poststructuralist Theory; Environmental Inquiry in a Postcolonial World; Contested Geographies
* Student Exercises and Glossary
Avoiding jargon - while attentive to the rigor and complexity of the ideas that underlie geographic knowledge - the text is written for students who have not met philosophical or theoretical approaches before. This is a beginning guide to geographic research and practice.
Comprehensive and accessible, it will be the core text for courses on Approaches to Human Geography; Philosophy and Geography; and the History of Geography; and a key resource for students beginning research projects.
Positivistic Geographies and Spatial Science
Humanism and Democratic Place-Making - Rob Kitchin
Feminist Geographies of Difference, Relation and Construction - J. Nicholas Entrikin and John H. Tepple
Marx and the Spirit of Marx - Deborah P Dixon and John Paul Jones III
Philosophical Bases of Behavioral Research in Geography - George Henderson and Eric Sheppard
Structuration Theory - Reginald G Golledge
Agency, Structure and Everyday Life
Realism as a Basis for Knowing the World - Isabel Dyck and Robin A Kearns
Postmodern Geographies and the Ruins of Modernity - Andrew Sayer
Poststructuralist Theories - David B Clarke
Actor-Network Theory, Networks, and Relation Approaches in Human Geography - Paul Harrison
Postcolonialism - Fernando J Bosco
Space, Textuality and Power
PEOPLE - Clive Barnett
Institutions and Cultures
Places and Contexts - Gerard Rushton
Memories and Desires - David Ley
Experiences and Emotions - David Harvey
Personal and Political - Robin Kearns
Difference and Place - Vera Chouinard
Local and Global - Linda McDowell
Movement and Encounter - Richa Nagar
Spaces and Flows - Lawrence Knopp
PRACTICES - Janice Monk
Quantification, Evidence and Positivism
Geographic Information Systems - A Stewart Fotheringham
Humanism and People-Centered Methods - Michael F Goodchild
Changing the World - Paul Rodaway
Geography, Political Activism and Marxism
Producing Feminist Geographies - Michael Samers
Theory, methodologies and Research Strategies
Poststructuralist Theories, Critical Methods and Experimentation - Kim England
Research is Theft - John W Wylie
Environmental Inquiry in a Postcolonial World
Contested Geographies - Paul Robbins
Culture Wars, Personal Clashes and Joining Debate
Exercises - Gill Valentine and Stuart Aitken
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