This volume comprises the proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, held in Sendai, Japan, 22nd to 26th 2004.
Novel Multicomponent Alloys
Metastable Nanostructured SPD Ti-Ni Alloys with Unique Properties
Primary Nanocrystallization and Amorphous Alloy Stability
The Scale of Devitrification in Bulk Metallic Glasses
Amorphous Metal Formation and Crystallization - Coupled Processes in Crystal Nucleation -
In Situ Formed Bulk Nanostructured Ti-Base Composites
Rapid Solidification of Au Alloys
Structure and Surface States of Cu-O Based Nanocrystalline Powders
Non-Equilibrium Arc-Melted Binary Ti-Fe Bulk Alloys with Ultra-High Strength and Enhanced Ductility
Phase Formation in Quinary Ti-Based Nanocomposites and an Analogous Ternary System with a View to Thermodynamic Modelling
Crystallization Behavior of Co-Sputtered Amorphous Ti-C and Co-C Thin Films
Elasticity Study of Nanostructured Copper Thin Films
Surface Nano-Structuring of Zr Thin Film via Ni-Implantation
The Formation of Nanocrystalline Structure in Amorphous Fe-Si-B Alloy by Severe Plastic Deformation
High Temperature Synthesis of Si-Based Nanomaterials from Silica Rich Oxide
Novel Composites Aluminum-Multi-Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes
Temperature Dependence of Elastic Constant of Zr-Cu-Al-Ni Bulk Glasses Measured by Ultrasonic-Wave Resonance
Blanking of Bulk Amorphous Alloy Sheets Fabricated by a Squeeze Casting Method under Hydraulics Pressure
Jump-Like Deformation of Zr46,8Ti8Cu7,5Ni10Be27,5 Bulk Amorphous Alloy
Design and Synthesis of Cu-Based Metallic Glass Alloys with High Glass Forming Ability
Preparation of Mg-Y-Cu Bulk Metallic Glass by High Energy Ball Milling
From Bulk Metallic Glasses to Amorphous Metallic Coatings
Synthesis of Ni-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering
Effect of Low Temperature Pre-Annealing on the Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Zr-Al-Hf-Nb Bulk Metallic Glass
Mechanical Alloying of Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced by Quasicrystals
Thermal Stability and Magnetic Properties of (Fe,Co)-RE-B Bulk Glassy Alloys
Magnetism and Self-Assembled Structure Utilizing Micro- and Nano-Particles
Fabrication of Magnetic Ni and Fe Nano Powders by Levitational Gas Condensation (LGC) Method
Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Co30Ni70, Co30Mo70, Ni30Mo70, and Co10Ni20Mo70 Alloy Powders Produced by Mechanically Alloying
Nano-Scaled Microstructure Evolution of W-Ni-Fe-Co Heavy Alloy by Mechanical Alloying
Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline L12 -Type (Al+12.5at.%M)3Zr(M=Cu ,Mn) Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying
Mechanically Alloyed Boride/Ti50Cu18Ni22Al4Sn6 Glassy Alloy Composites with a Wide Supercooled Liquid Region
Preparation of Ti5Si3-Reinforced Titanium Aluminides by Mechanical Alloying from Brittle Powders
Microstructural Evolution in Mechanically Alloyed Nanocrystalline Al-20 at.% Mg Alloy
Consolidation of Mechanically Milled Cu-Al2O3 Composite Powder
Deformation and Dissolution of Cementite by Severe Plastic Deformation
Preparation of Metallic Glass/Crystalline Metal Conjoined Parts by Plastic Flow Joining Process
Microstructural Characterization in Al-C-Al2O3 Composites Produced by Mechanical Milling
Characterization of Al-Based Composites Produced by Mechanical Milling Using Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Mechanically Driven Nanostructured Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy
Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Mg-Ni-Y-Al Alloy with Mechanical Alloying
Dynamic Compaction of Mechanically Alloyed Fe-Si Nano Powders by Magnetic Pulsed Pressure
Preparation of FePt Alloys by Mechanical Alloying
The Behavior of CoSn and CoIn2 Intermetallic Compounds upon Mechanical Milling
Low Temperature Phase Formation in Mechanically Alloyed Cu-Ga Powders
Texture Control of Bulk Mechanical Alloyed Bi-Te Thermoelectric Materials via Shear Extrusion
Crystallization and Thermal Properties of Zr-Al-Cu-Ni Based Amorphous Alloy Added with Boron and Silicon
Low-Temperature Crystallization of Metallic Glass Induced by Electropulsing
Inflammability of Melt-Spun Zr-Based Metallic Glasses
Microstructure of a Metallic Glass Joint Welded by Electron Beam Examined by Anomalous Small-Angle Scattering at Zr K Edge
Structural Observation and RMC Modeling for Ni-Zr and Cu-Zr Metallic Glasses
Effect of Ion-Implantation on the Mechanical Properties of a Zr-Ni Amorphous Alloy
Glass Transition Tg and Thermal Expansion in Glassy Materials Measured by Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction
Zero Temperature Coefficient and Stability of Electrical Resistibility of Ni-Si-B Amorphous Alloys
Material Performance and Phase Transformation of Super Rapid-Solidified Shape Memory TiNiCu Ribbon with Nano-Amorphous Microstructures
Full-Potential KKR Calculations for Point Defect Energies in Al
The Entropy of Grafted Polymer Layers in Good Solvent
First-Principles Calculations of Hydrogen-Terminated Si(100)2x1 Surface with Missing Dimers
Calculation of Energy Bands for Peanuts-Shaped Fused Fullerene Polymers
Effect of Fe Content on Structure and Surface Properties of Hydrotalcite-Like Compounds
Structures and Moessbauer Spectra for Fe-C Powders Prepared by Atomization
Development of High Performance Magnesium Alloys by Rapid Solidification
Ultra-Strong and Ductile Hypereutectic Ti-Based Bulk Alloys
Viscosity of Some Fe-Ni Based Liquid Alloys and Their Rapid Solidification
On the Role Plaid by a Liquid in the Preparation of Nanocrystalline Materials by Ball-Milling
Properties of Al-MgB2 Materials Processed by Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering
Development of Metallic Glasses by Semi-Empirical Calculation Method
Pinpoint the Best Glass Forming Alloy by Microstructure Study in Cu8Zr3-Cu10Zr7 Eutectic System of Cu-Zr Binary System
Nanoforming of Metallic Glass with Nano-Scale Die Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam
Phase Transformation and Microstructure Change in Fe-Zr-B Amorphous Alloys by Thermal Annealing and Electron Irradiation
Transition Metal and Transition Metal Fluorides as Catalysts in MgH2-Based Nanocomposites
Short-Range Order in Metastable Co75 Pd25 Melts
Electrochemical Storage of Hydrogen in Mg-Nanocomposites: Influence of the FeF3 Catalyst
Hydrogen Permeation Characteristics and Structural Features of Melt-Spun Ni-Nb-Zr Amorphous Alloy Membranes
Chemical State of Ti Atoms in NaAlH4 Doped with a Ti-Based Precursor by Ball Milling
Fracture Toughness in Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass
Modeling of Crystallization Kinetics of Bulk Amorphous Alloys during Cooling
Finite Element Simulations for Hot Forming of Bulk Amorphous Alloys
Effect of Yttrium Addition on the Formation of Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystal
Local Structures of Zr-Based Metallic Glasses in Terms of Quasicrystal Formation and Stability of Supercooled Liquid State
Characterization of Hydrogen Storage Alloy Mg2Co Synthesized by Bulk Mechanical Alloying
Solid-State Synthesis of Mg2Si1-xYx (Y=Ge and Sn) Thermoelectric Materials via Bulk Mechanical Alloying
Transformation between Nanocrystalline and Amorphous Phases in Zr-X Alloys during Accumulative Roll Bonding
Cu-Hf-Ti-(Mo, Nb, Ta) Bulk Glassy Alloys with High Corrosion Resistance and High Strength
Deformation Behavior of a Zr55 Al10 Ni5 Cu30 Bulk Metallic Glass at High Temperatures
Development of Shear Bands in a Bulk Metallic Glass and Composite upon Cold Rolling
Die Casting and Properties Study of a Bulk Amorphous Zr38.5Cu15.25Ni9.75Ti16.5Be20
Fabrication of Bulk Amorphous Alloy Sheets by Strip Casting
Friction and Wear Behavior of Laser Irradiated Amorphous Metal
Effect of Carbon Addition on the Thermal Stability and Glass Forming Ability of Misch Metal-Based Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites
Mechanical Modelling of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites
Environmental Stability of Zr-Based Glass-Matrix Composites
High Temperature Oxidation-Sulfidation of Cr-ZrO2-Al2O3 Composite Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering
In Situ Formed Cu-Based Nanocomposite by Hot Pressing of Mechanically Alloyed Cu-Zr-Ti Composites Containing WC Particles as a Second Phase
Preparation of Pt-YSZ Nanocomposites by MOCVD and Their Electrochemical Properties
Quality of Compaction and Microhardness of Bulk Nanocrystalline Al88Mm5Ni5Fe2 Alloy Consolidated at High Pressure
Formation of High-Quality Nanocrystalline Ni-W Electrodeposits by Using a Multi-Anode Type Electrode
High-Strength Nanocrystalline Ni-W Electrodeposits and Their Precision Forming at High Temperatures
Structural and Hydriding Properties of the Mg-Ni-H System with Nano- and/or Amorphous Structures
Structure and Hydrogen Absorption Property of Mg2Ni-Ti Alloy Powders Prepared by Mechanical Alloying
Bulk Ferromagnetic (Fe0.87Co0.13)71.5-xTb3.5NbxB25 Glassy Alloys with a High Glass-Forming Ability
Quasi-Dislocation Dipole-Type Defects and Low Coercivity of Fe-Based Soft Magnetic Glassy Alloys
Soft Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Fe73-xNbxAl4Si3B20 Alloys
Characteristic of Oxidation and Color Properties of Mechanically-Alloyed and Pulsed-Current-Sintered Ti-Si Alloy by Heat Treatment
Crystal Structure of Iron-Palladium Alloys by Mechanical Alloying
Depression of the Peritectic Melting Point of FeSn2 in FeSn2-FeSn Nanocomposites Produced by Mechanical Milling
Influence of Particle Size on the Hydrogen Sorption Properties of Ball-Milled MgH2 with Nb2O5 as Catalyst
Lead-Free Solder System Bi5-Ag3-Cu0.5-Sn Prepared by Mechanical Alloying
Mechanical Alloying of Titanium with Rare Gas (He, Ar and Xe)
Phase Transformations in Ti-Zr-Ni Compositions by Mechanical Alloying and Annealing
Stress Induced Formation of Stable & Metastable Phases in Semi-Crystalline Polymers during Cryogenic Mechanical Milling
Preparation of Ti+Ti6Si2B+Ti5Si3 and Ti+Ti6Si2B+TiB Powders by High-Energy Ball Milling and Subsequent Heat Treatment
Nanocrystallization of Martensite Steels and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Shot Peening
Thermodynamic Approach for Predicting the Glass Forming Ability of Amorphous Alloys
Frictional Behavior of Nanocrystalline-Amorphous Duplex Microstructures of Zr-Based Metallic Glass: An Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis
Patterning of Self-Oriented Nanocrystals in an Amorphous Alloy under Focused Ion Beam Irradiation
Temperature Dependence of Linear Expansion Coefficient in Metallic Glass Zr-Al-Cu-Ni
Influence of Be on the Glass Forming Ability and Thermal Stability of Al-Based Metallic Glasses
Thermal Stability, Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior around the Glass Transition Temperature of a Cu60Zr22Ti18 Amorphous Alloy
Kinetic Analysis of Magnetically Assisted Formation of Cu(II) Ammonium Complex from Cu Nanoparticles
Anelasticity in FCC Nanocrystalline Metals
Refinement of Cu-Phthalocyanine Powder by Nozzle-Jeto Water Cavitation
Formation of Quasicrystals in Zr-Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al Alloys by Casting or Annealing
Fabrication and High Performance Characteristics of Metallic Glassy Alloy Tubes
Microstructural Characterization of Rapidly Solidified Al-6.5%Si-4%Cu Alloy Powders Produced by Gas Atomization
Atomic-Scale Structure of SixGe1-x Solid Solutions
Deformation-Induced Mixing Reactions in Cu-Cd Multilayers
Viscous Flow Forming of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses for Industrial Products
Glass-Forming Ability and Magnetic Properties of (Fe,Co)-B-Si-Nb Bulk Glassy Alloys
Structure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Cu-Ni Cast Alloy with High-Strength
Characterization of Super-Precision Microgear Made of Ni-Based Metallic Glass
Anomalous Crystallization Induced by Ultrasound in Pd42.5Ni7.5Cu30P20 Metallic Glass
Structure and Hydrogen Permeation of Ni-Nb-Zr Amorphous Alloy
The Contribution of Grain-Boundary Activity to Plasticity in Nanocrystalline Fe - The Effect of Grain-Boundary Relaxation
Mechanically Alloyed MgB2 Superconductors: Microstructure, Tape Formation and Critical Currents
Alloy Phase Formation in Isolated Nanometer-Sized Particles in the Sn-Pb System
Comparison of Nanocrystallization in Steels by Ball Milling, Shot Peening and Drilling
Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Development of Ultrafine Grained Iron
Effects of Mechanical Activation on the Synthesis of WC from Wolframite (FeWO4) and Graphite
Structural Changes in High Speed Steel Powders Subjected to Ball Milling
Preparation of Noble Metal (Ru, Ir)-Carbon Nano-Composites by MOCVD as Catalytic Electrode for Oxygen Sensors
Formation Regularities of the Phases in Al Alloy Nanometer Powders by Gas Evaporation Technology
Giant Irradiation Effects in FCC Nanocrystalline Metals
Nanocrystallization of Drill Hole Surface by High Speed Drilling
High Speed Transformation of Ni-C System from FCC to HCP Structure with Fluctuating Mill
Formation of Polymer Blends and Nano-Composites by Cryogenic Mechanical Milling
Surface Amorphization of TiNi Shape Memory Alloy by Shot Peening
Nanostructure and Texture of Ni and Ni/SiC Nanocomposites Coatings
Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Noble Metal Films by MOCVD
Microstructural Characterization of Spray Formed Al-9Si-3Cu-1Fe and Al-9Si-3Cu-1Fe + Al-4Si-4Fe Co-Deposited Alloy
Corrosion Behavior of NdFeB-Based Nanocrystalline Permanent Magnets
Thermal Stability of Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Fe-Co-Hf-Cu-B Alloys
Bulk Nanostructured Cu-2.5vol.%Al2O3 Alloy Synthesized Using High Energy Mechanical Milling
Bulk Mechanical Alloying of Zr-Cu System by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB)
Is There Phases Separation in Cu60Ti20Zr20 Alloy?
XAFS Study on Solid State Amorphization Process of MgNi Alloys
Crystallization Behaviour of Novel(Ti33Zr33Hf33)100-x(Ni50Cu50)x Alloys with X=48 to 55
Electron Irradiation Induced Amorphization and Crystallization in Zr66.7Cu33.3 Metallic Glass
Crystallization Behavior of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass under Super High Magnetic Field
Mechanical Characterization of Cu60Zr22Ti18 Bulk Metallic Glasses
(Fe,Co)-B-Si-Nb Bulk Glassy Alloys with High Glass-Forming Ability and Super-High Strength
Nanostructural Control by Additive Pd in Cast Zr50Cu40Al10 Glassy Alloys with Good Fatigue Properties
On the Structural Relaxation and Nanoindentation Studies of Changes in Free Volume in Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses
Ca-Mg-Zn Bulk Metallic Glasses with Strong Glass-Forming Ability Synthesized under Air Atmosphere
Effect of Strain on the Crystallization Kinetics of Bulk Amorphous Alloys
Compositional Effect on the Stability of the Amorphous Phase in Al-La-Ni Alloys
High Strength Ti-Based Bulk Glassy Alloys with Distinct Ductility
Structure and Properties of Rapidly Solidified and Mechanically Milled Nanostructured Al-Ni-Mm Alloys
Deformation Mechanisms of Nanostructured Metallic Materials
A New Method for Synthesizing Mg-Based Alloys by Hydrogen Treated Mechanical Alloying
Preparation of Binary and Ternary Intermetallic Powders via a Novel Reaction Ball Milling Technique
Fabrication of a TiC/Ti5Si3 Nano-Grained Composite for Micro-Parts Using Pseudo-Superplastic Deformation by Non-Equilibrium PM Process
Electric Erosion Behavior of Nanocomposites
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