This fifth edition of the classic text, "Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations", introduces strategic thinking, strategic planning, and strategic momentum to advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as practitioners in the field of health care. It demonstrates how strategic managers can become strategic thinkers with the crucial skills to evaluate the changing environment, analyze data, question assumptions, and develop new ideas.Swayne, Duncan, and Ginter present methods to develop and document a plan of action through strategic planning and illustrate how, as managers attempt to carry out the strategic plan, they evaluate its success, learn more about what works, and incorporate new strategic thinking into future planning, strategy formulation, and situational analysis. They demonstrate how strategic management 'maps' can provide the direction needed for successful implementation.In this new edition, all chapters have been revised and contain new or updated introductory incidents and perspectives. Appendix A has been revised to match the new model of strategic thinking, planning, and managing the strategic momentum.
Twenty real-life case studies, including nine new cases and three updated classics, present diverse strategic situations in an accessible manner that enhances the applicability of the concepts for students and professionals. The text is supported by PowerPoint slides and an Instructors' Manual.
Preface.Part 1 Strategic Management.Chapter 1 The Nature of Strategic Management.Chapter 2 Understanding and Analyzing the General Environment and the Health Care Environment.Chapter 3 Service Area Competitor Analysis.Chapter 4 Internal Environmental Analysis and Competitive Advantage.Chapter 5 Directional Strategies.Chapter 6 Developing Strategic Alternatives.Chapter 7 Evaluation of Alternatives and Strategic Choice.Chapter 8 Value Adding Service Delivery Strategies.Chapter 9 Value Adding Support Strategies.Chapter 10 Communicating the Strategy and Developing Action Plans.Part 2 Appendices.Appendix A Analyzing Strategic Health Care Cases.Appendix B Oral Presentations for Health Care Professionals.Part 3 Cases in the Health Care Sector.Case 1 The U.S. Health Care System.Case 2 Methodist Healthcare: Managing for the Future.Case 3 Community Blood Center of the Carolinas.Case 4 ASPIRE2 in Arkansas.Case 5 MMG: Can This Relationship be Saved? The Midwestern Medical Group Integration Journey.Case 6 Vietnam International Hospital: What Now?.Case 7 Indian Health Service: Creating a Climate for Change.Case 8 Dr. Louis Mickael: The Physician as Strategic Manager.Case 9 The New Office of Women's Health: Building Consensus to Establish a Strong Foundation.Case 10 The Rosemont Behavioral Health Center.Case 11 Riverview Regional Medical Center: An HMA Facility.Case 12 AIDSCAP Nepal.Case 13 Emanuel Medical Center: Crisis in the Health Care Industry.Case 14 Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan.Case 15 U.S. HealthSolutions.Case 16 C. W. Williams Health Center: A Community Asset.Case 17 RMC's Institutional Ethics Committee: Work To Do.Case 18 The Premier Health Care Alliance Emerges.Case 19 The Case for Open Heart Surgery at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital.Case 20 Sunshine County Health Department: Strategy Implementation.Index
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