@book{ BA76824345, author = "Beethoven, Ludwig van and Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus and Schubert, Franz and Bizet, Georges and Grobe, Donald and Berliner Händel-Chor and Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin and Arndt, Günther", title = "Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur = 自然に於ける神の栄光 . Ave verum corpus : KV 618 = アヴェ・ヴェルム・コルプス . Heilig, heilig ist der Herr! = 主は聖なり . Agnus Dei = アニュス・ディ", publisher = "Deutsche Grammophon,Nippon Grammophon [distributor]", year = "19--", URL = "https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA76824345" }