This volume deals with Europe's diversity and homogeneity at the turn of the millennium in terms of fundamental value orientations. Using data from the 1999/2000 wave of the European Values Study the contributors to this book try to identify and offer explanations and understandings of the patterns in the basic values and attitudes that have been ascertained in specific life-spheres, e.g., work and leisure time, religion, morality, society and politics, family and marriage. The result is a cultural map of Europe that captures the diversities and similarities in value profiles of the Europeans.
Table of Contents
1. Wil Arts & Loek Halman, European values at the turn of the millennium: an introduction
2. Wil Arts & Loek Halman, European values change in the second age of modernity
3. Tony Fahey & Emer Smyth, The link between subjective well-being and objective conditions in European societies
4. Helmut Anheier, Sally Stares & Paola Grenier, Social capital and life satisfaction
5. Jerzy Bartkowski & Aleksandra Jasinska Kania, Voluntary organizations and the development of civil society
6. Jorge Vala, Marcus Lima & Diniz Lopes, Social values, prejudice and solidarity in the European Union
7. James Georgas, Kostas Mylonas, Aikaterini Gari & Penny Panagiotopoulou, Families and values in Europe
8. Leen Vandecasteele & Jaak Billiet, Privatization in the family sphere: Longitudinal and comparative analyses in four European countries
9. Malina Voicu, Work and Family life in Europe: Value patterns and policy making
10. Hans de Witte, Loek Halman & John Gelissen, European work orientations at the end of the twentieth century
11. Loek Halman & Veerle Draulans, Religious beliefs and practices in contemporary Europe
12. Loek Halman & Thorleif Pettersson, Normative orientations towards the differentiation between religion and politics
13. Ola Listhaug & Kristen Ringdal, Civic morality in stable, new and half hearted democracies
14. Larissa Titarenko, Gender attitudes towards religion in six post soviet states
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