Berkshire encyclopedia of world sport
David Levinson and Karen Christensen, editors
Berkshire Pub. Group, c2005
World sport
関西学院大学 図書館 人福
v. 1796.2:972:10028588812,
v. 1780||B 38||1817393,
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v. 1R780/B38/V.1FG538534, v. 17800:718:1120805634T, v. 1780.3//L 57//1100058397, v. 1780.3/L294/10206043264, Vol. 1. Academies-Dance -- v. 2. Dancesport-Kinesiology -- v. 3. Kite sports-Sexual harassment -- v. 4. Sexuality-Youth sports Summary: Covers the whole world of sport, from major professional sports and sporting events to community and youth sport, as well as the business of sports and key social issues Includes bibliographical references and index 内容説明 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より注記