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v. 1 ISBN 9788171885138
This special collection of articles presented in two volumes is arranged under seven sections: Policy Framework, Growth Profile of Agriculture, Investment in Agriculture - covered in Volume 1, and Water Resources, Institutional Reforms, Food Security: New Dimensions, and Globalisation - covered in Volume 2. Together, the two volumes promise to be an invaluable resource for both, researchers and policymakers.
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v. 2 ISBN 9788171885145
Recently released, here is a two-volume set published by Academic Foundation in collaboration with the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics. The articles contained in these volumes are by a distinguished group of scholars and are at the cutting edge of current research in the chosen field. Ranging from agricultural economists, scientists to policy advisors of repute, the authors bring to bear on their chosen subject not only a high analytical rigour but also give rare insights into the appropriateness of development policies as the two volumes scan through the ups and downs of the agriculture development processes in India over a period of five decades and the policy issues involved at various stages.
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