Sweet & Maxwell's popular social security legislation publications provide clear guides for using and applying current legislation. Each one is up to date to the crucial benefit date in April.
This volume focuses on legislation concerning non-means tested benefits, and includes the full text of the legislation together with authoritative commentary. A supplement will be published in March 2006 which will bring the text up to date.
* Clause-by-clause commentary accompanies and interprets each piece of legislation
* The most up-to-date coverage of the subject - annual volumes with mid-year supplements
Matters common to several non-means tested benefits (eg. persons abroad, computation of earnings and dependency). Disability benefits. State maternity benefits. Widowed parents allowance and bereavement allowance. Incapacity benefit and incapacity for work. Children and guardians. Industrial injuries, prescribed industrial diseases and vaccine damage payments. Contribution conditions regulating access to incapacity benefit, bereavement payment, widowed mother's allowance, widowed parent's allowance, widow's pension, and Category A and B retirement pension. Contributions credits. Home responsibilities protection. Greater coverage of pension provisions. The categories of exempt work for purposes of incapacity for work.
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