ECRS 5 : proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Residual Stresses : held September 28-30, 1999 in Delft-Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
European Conference on Residual Stresses (5th : 1999 : Delft-Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands)
European Conference on Residual Stresses (5th : 1999 : Delft-Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands)
Bibliographic Information
ECRS 5 : proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Residual Stresses : held September 28-30, 1999 in Delft-Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
editors A.J. Böttger, R. Delhez and E.J. Mittemeijer
(Materials science forum, v. 347-349)
Trans Tech Publications, c2000
- Other Title
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Residual Stresses
5th European Conference on Residual Stresses
Proceedings ECRS5
Available at / 1 libraries
"Under the auspices of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society"--P. v
Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
Materials, as utilized, experience the effect of residual, internal stresses, as these are the outcome of the material synthesis and/or engineering, and/or application in practice. Understanding and control of residual stresses is a prerequisite for successful application of materials in wide ranging areas as corresponding to, e.g., the microelectronic industry (thin films) and the automotive industry (crankshafts).
Table of Contents
- Role of Residual Stress in Engineering Applications
Towards Reference Samples for X-Ray Residual Stress Analysis
Determination of Alignment Errors in Classical XRD Residual Stress Methods
Observations on two Commonly Used Profile Shape Functions
Construction of the New Material Science Neutron Diffractometer STRESS-SPEC
A Comparison of Neutron and High Energy Synchrotron Radiation as Tools for Texture and Stress Analysis
Stress in Thin Layers
- Grain Interaction, Elastic Constants and Diffraction Response
Determination of Zircaloy -4 Radiocristallographic Elastic Constants from Room Temperature to 300 DegreesC
Intergranular Strains in Textured Steel
Experimental and Numerical Approach of Inter- and Transgranular Stress- and Rotation Heterogeneities in the Plastic Behaviour of a Multicrystal
Stress-Orientation Distribution Function (SODF) - Description, Symmetry and Determination
Hybrid Experimental/Numerical Technique for Determination of Residual Stresses in Inhomogeneous Cylinders
A New Approach to Evaluate Steep Stress Gradients Principally Using Layer Removal
Determination of Residual Stress Gradients in Brittle Materials Using an Improved Spline Algorithm
Layer Growing/Removing Method for the Determination of Residual Stresses in Thin Inhomogeneous Discs
A High Energy Microscope for Local Strain Measurements Within Bulk Materials
Micro-Area Residual Stress Measurement Using a Two-Dimensional Detector
Neutron Strain Scanning at Interfaces: An Optimised Beam Optics to Reduce the Surface Effect
Strain Scanning Using a Neutron Guide Based Diffractometer
Analysis for Determining Non-Axisymmetric Residual Stresses
Experimental Measurements of Non-Axisymmetric Residual Stresses
Plastic Deformation during Application of the Hole-Drilling Method
Comparative Analysis of Shot-Peening Residual Stresses Using Hole-Drilling and X-Ray Diffraction Methods
Genetic Algorithms for Variable Through Thickness Residual Stress Evaluation
Residual Stress Measurement in Cracked Components: Capabilities and Limitations of the Cut Compliance Method
In Situ Measurement of Stress during Deposition of Boron Nitride Films
X-Ray Stress Tensor Analysis in a Notch with 2 Circles Omega Goniometer
Gage R&R Study on Residual Stress Measurement System with Area Detector
Residual Stress Measurements with Barkhausen Noise Method in Pipelines and Gas-Turbine Details
NQR Spectrometry, a New Tool for the Measurement of Residual Stresses?
Phase Transformations and Generation of Heat Treatment Residual Stresses in Metallic Alloys
Numerical Simulation of the X-Ray Stress Analysis Technique in Polycrystalline Cubic Materials
Effect of Solidification Segregations on Phase Transformation Kinetics and on the Development of Internal Stresses during Cooling of Steels
Computer Simulation of Residual Stress Distribution and Microcracking due to Thermal Expansion Anisotropy
Stress Analysis of Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Materials by Means of X-Ray Diffraction from Fillers - Micromechanical Model and Experimental Results
Residual Stress Measurement and Prediction in a Hardened Steel Ring
Residual Stresses in an Inconel-718-Clad Tungsten Tube Processed by Hot Iso-static Pressing
Cold Compression Residual Stress Reduction in Aluminium Alloy 7010
3D Finite Element Models of Shot Peening Processes
X-Ray Intergranular Stresses Analysis in a Cast Duplex Stainless Steel
Evolution of Microstresses in Plastically Deformed Duplex Steel
Predicting Residual Stresses due to Solidification in Cast Plastics
Phenomenological and Microscopical Description of Scattering from Distorted Materials
Determination of Macro- and Microstresses in Deformed Materials by Application of the Strain Function Method
Thermal Residual Strain in Metallic Samples Subjected to Heating-cooling Cycles: Crystallite Size and Residual Stress Contribution to the X-Ray Profile Broadening
Anisotropy of Dislocation Distribution and Long-Range Internal Stresses
Distribution of Residual Microstresses in Rolled Textured Metal Materials
Single Grain Analysis of Dislocation Density in Cold Rolled IF-Ti Steel with a New High-Resolution Microdiffraction Technique
Advanced Fundamental Parameters Model for Improved Profile Analysis
Microstructure of Polycrystalline Natural Samples from the Peak Profile Analysis of Diffraction Data
A Comparison of Residual Stress Measurements in Steels using the X-Ray and the Neutron Diffraction Techniques
Neutron Diffraction Investigation of Low and High Cycle Fatigue Austenite Stainless Steels
In Situ Stress Measurements by Neutron Diffraction in - Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys During Deformation
In Situ High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction Study of Stress Induced Martensitic Transformations in CuAlZnMn Shape Memory Alloy
Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Analyses of the Influence of Induction-Hardening and Deep-Rolling on the Residual Stresses in Crankshafts
Subsurface Residual Stress Concentrations During Rolling Contact Fatigue
Computer Predictions of Thermo-Mechanical Behavior and Residual Stresses during Induction Hardening of Notched Cylinder
A New Device for In Situ Residual Stress Measurement during Fatigue Testing
Creep Induced Evolution of Internal Stresses and Structure in a Singel Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloy
Residual Stresses in Roller Straightened Rails
Characterisation of Residual Stress Relaxation in Fatigue Loaded Welded Joints by X-Ray Diffraction and Barkhausen Noise Method
Recent Developments in Mechanical Surface Optimization
Residual Stresses in Polycrystalline Thin Films
Stress and Diffusion in Nb-W Bilayers
X-Ray Stress Determination in Diamond Hard Coatings
Residual Stress States in Coated Cemented Carbides
Residual Stress Analysis and Indentation Tests on Graded PVD-Coatings of TI(C,N) on Cold-Working Steel
Microstructural Characterization of Laser Hardened Steel Surfaces
Combining Case Hardening and Shot Peening for Gear Steels: Influence on Residual Stresses
Stability of Residual Stresses in Shot Peened and High Pressure Water Peened Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures
Residual Stresses in Peened Hiduminium
Measuring and Analysis of Residual Stresses After Induction Hardening and Grinding
New Experimental Technique for Measuring Deformation of Thin Plates during Laser Surface Remelting
Residual Stresses in As-Sprayed and Heat Treated TBCs. Measurements and FEM Calculations
Studies of Zirconium Alloy Oxide Layers Using Synchrotron Radiation
Stress in Poly-SiC Films Grown by Low Pressure CVD
Neutron Diffraction Analysis of the Evolution of Phase Stresses during Plastic Straining of Aluminium Matrix Composites Reinforced with a Continuous, Random Planar Network of Fibres
The Development of Strain Anisotropy during Plastic Deformation of an Aluminium Polycrystal
Study of Residual Stress Distribution by the Combination of three Techniques in an Aluminium Based MMC
A Comparative Study of Diffraction Methods for Strain Measurement in a Particulate MMC
Study of Phase Stresses in an Al/SiC Metal Matrix Composite
Dynamic Response of Residual Stresses due to Rapid Temperature Changes in Kaowool Reinforced AA339 Aluminum
Residual Stresses in Interface Controlled Materials by Neutron Diffraction *
Strain Measurement of a Ductile Composite Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 (YAG) by Neutron Diffraction
Modelisation of Strains Measured by X-Ray Diffraction in Composites with Spherical Particles
Strain Measurements on Geomaterials by Neutron Time-of-Flight Diffraction
Prediction of Macro- and Microstresses in Supersaturated Alloy Layers Before and After Precipitation Treatments
Internal Stresses in Aluminium Interconnects
X-Ray Diffraction Determination of Residual Stresses in Narrow Copper Interconnects with Submicronic Widths
Characterization of the Interface Strain/Stress State in Si-on-Sapphire Heterostructure
Curvature Behaviour of Multilayer Specimens of Thermal Barrier Systems
Characterisation of Residual Stress and Microstructure in Bioactive Coatings for Titanium Alloy Hip Implants
Measured Stress Concentration at a Notch Front in Si3N4
Residual Stresses due to Hard-Machining - Industrial Experiences
Neutron Diffraction Measurement of Residual Stresses in AA6082 Quenched Samples
Micro- and Macrostress Evolution in a Duplex Stainless Steel during Uniaxial Loading
Stress State Prediction Applied to Local Composition Changes
Simulation of Stress and Residual Stresses due to Gas Quenching of AISI 52100 Steel Cylinders
Influence of Various Quenching Agents on Residual Stresses in Steel After Heat Treatment
The Influence of Residual Stresses in a Welded Vessel on the Hydrogen Attack Lifetime
The Influence of Residual Stresses on the Mechanical Behaviour of ZrO2/Ni/AISI 316 Diffusion Bonds
The Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Residual Stresses in a Shape Welded Steel Tube
Evaluation of Through Wall Residual Stresses in Stainless Steel Weld Repairs
Residual Stresses in Brazed Joints of Cemented Carbide and Steel with Complex Geometry
Residual Stress Measurements in Thick Structural Weldments by Means of Neutron Diffraction*
Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Multi-Pass Low Alloy Ferritic Steel Weld Using X-Ray Diffraction
Evaluation of Residual Stresses Near a Welded Zone by Transmission Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction
Residual Stresses in an AA6082 Shrink-Fit Thermoplastic Junction
Residual Stress Field in a Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Extrusion
Neutron Diffraction Measurements for the Determination of Residual Stress in Ti6A14V Welded Plates
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