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: set ISBN 9780275983154
A remarkable team of expert authors provides firsthand accounts from disaster survivors around the globe, enabling readers to understand the lingering trauma and mental wounds that might otherwise go unrecognized, yet last a lifetime. These are the men, women, and children who the new field of disaster psychology seeks to heal. They include survivors of torture, terrorism, genocide attempts, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami, and other manmade or natural disasters. This set of books is the most comprehensive available resource explaining the practices and principles that have been employed, and are being employed, to heal them.
The stories in these pages will prove instructive and inspirational to all concerned with promoting the psychological welfare of people who have endured horrific events triggered by the violence and upheaval of mankind or nature at their worst. Contributors to this set include professors from Columbia, Harvard and Johns Hopkins universities, as well as the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the World Health Organization.
Volume 1, Fundamental Issues and Overview
Set Foreword
Overview of the International Disaster Psychology Volumes
Chapter 1: International Disaster Psychology: Purposes, Principles and Practices
Chapter 2: Humanitarian Politics and the Rise of International Disaster Psychology
Chapter 3: Toward a Consensus Protocol for Psychosocial Response in Complex Emergencies
Chapter 4: In Defense of Community Psychology for International Intervention
Chapter 5: Assessing the Psychosocial Needs of Communities Affected By Disaster
Chapter 6: Peace-Building, Culturally Responsive Means, and Ethical Practices in Humanitarian Interventions
Chapter 7: Effective Intercultural Collaboration on Support Programs
Chapter 8: Working Effectively with the Mass Media in Disaster Mental Health
Chapter 9: Negotiating the Shrunken Humanitarian Space: Challenges and Options
Conclusions and Recommendations
About the Volume Editors
About the Contributors
About the Series
About the Series Editor and Advisory Board
Volume 2, Programs and Practices
Series Foreword
Overview of the International Disaster Psychology Volumes
Chapter 1: Psychological First Aid
Chapter 2: Interventions with Youth and Families: A Prevention and Stepped Care Model
Chapter 3: Implementing Programs in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Was It Really Mission Impossible?
Chapter 4: Implementation of Mental Health Programs for Survivors of Natural Disasters in Latin America
Chapter 5: Psychological Support Following the Venezuelan Floods and Mudslides of 1999
Chapter 6: Implementation of a Training of Trainers Model for Disseminating Psychological Support in the Cuban Red Cross
Chapter 7: Responses to the Bombing of the American Embassy in Nairobi: Challenges, Lessons And Opportunities
Chapter 8: Psychosocial Research and Interventions after the Rwanda Genocide
Chapter 9: Approaches to Healing: Case Examples from Lusophone Africa
Chapter 10: Monitoring and Evaluating Psychosocial Work with Children in Sri Lanka
Conclusions and Recommendations
About the Volumes Editors
About the Contributors
About the Series Editor and Advisors
Volume 3, Refugee Mental Health
Series Foreword
Overview of the International Disaster Psychology Volumes
Chapter 1: The Impact of Mass Psychological Trauma on Psychosocial Adaptation Among Refugees
Chapter 2: Serving the Mental Health Needs of Post-Migratory Adult Refugees in Sweden: A Transitional Augmentation Approach
Chapter 3: Framework for Developing and Implementing Multi-Family Groups for Refugee Families
Chapter 4: Mental Health Reform and Assisting Psychiatric Leaders in Post-War Countries
Chapter 5: The Healing Power of Forgiveness and the Resolution of Protracted Conflicts
Chapter 6: Personal Reflections on 30 Years of Treating Traumatized Refugees
Chapter 7: Challenges in International Disaster Mental Health Research
Chapter 8: Development of the Rapid Assessment of Mental Health: An International Collaboration
Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix: WHO Tool for Rapid Assessment of Mental Health Needs
About the Volumes Editors
About the Contributors
About the Series Editor and Advisors
Volume 4, Interventions with Special Needs Populations
Series Foreword
Overview of the International Disaster Psychology Volumes
Chapter 1: Crisis and Gender: Addressing the Psychosocial Needs of Women in International Disasters
Chapter 2: Sexual Violence Against Women and Children in the Context of Armed Conflict
Chapter 3: How Do You Mend Broken Hearts? Gender, War and Impacts on Girls in Fighting Forces
Chapter 4: Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia: A Regional Summary
Chapter 5: Serving the Psychosocial Needs of Torture Survivors
Chapter 6: Managing Stress in Humanitarian Aid Workers: The Role of the Organization
Chapter 7: Psychosocial Crisis Intervention with Military and Emergency Services Personnel
Chapter 8: Helping Journalists Who Cover Humanitarian Crises
Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix: Brief Profiles of Humanitarian Organizations
About the Volumes Editors
About the Contributors
About the Series Editor and Advisors
- 巻冊次
ISBN 9780275983161
A remarkable team of expert authors provides firsthand accounts from disaster survivors around the globe, enabling readers to understand the lingering trauma and mental wounds that might otherwise go unrecognized, yet last a lifetime. These are the men, women, and children who the new field of disaster psychology seeks to heal. They include survivors of torture, terrorism, genocide attempts, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami, and other manmade or natural disasters. This set of books is the most comprehensive available resource explaining the practices and principles that have been employed, and are being employed, to heal them.
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