श्रीभवदेवविरचितं तौतातितमततिलकम् = The Tautātitamatatilaka by Śrī Bhavadeva
critically edited, with notes, by A. Chinnaswami Sastry, and Pattabhirama Sastri
(The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts, no. 79)
Govt. Sanskrit Library, 1939-1944
श्री भवदेव विरचितम् तौतातित मत तिलकम्
श्री भवदेव विरचितम् तौतातित मत तिलकम्
Śrībhavadevaviracitaṃ Tautātitamatatilakam
1. भागःS:51264802286478,
In Sanskrit; foreword in English
Summary: Supercommentary on Tantravārttika of Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, exegesis on Mīmāṃsābhāṣya of Śabarasvāmī, classical commentary on Mīmāṃsāsūtra by Jaimini
Includes bibliographical references and index
Government Sanskrit Library , To be had of the Superintendent of the Government Press , Vidya Vilas Press , Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Government Press